Voter turnout matters. That’s true in national elections, and it will be true this month when members vote to ratify UUP’s tentative contract with the state.
UUP President Fred Kowal, Chief Negotiator Bret Benjamin, members of the UUP Negotiations Team and UUP statewide and chapter leaders certainly hope that members will ratify the four-year agreement—which is rich with gains for all members, and especially UUP’s lowest-paid members.
But beyond ratification, UUP hopes to see a resounding, indisputable endorsement of this deal, one that will make the state and SUNY sit up and take notice. A strong turnout in favor of the contract sends a message to the state that UUP is strong, united and determined.
And that will make a difference when UUP returns to the bargaining table to negotiate its next contract with the state.
- The ratification vote on the tentative 2022-2026 Agreement will be conducted electronically by MK Election Services. Postcards containing instructions on how to access your personal electronic ballot will be mailed by MK Election Services to UUP members by Aug. 9 at your address of record.
- UUP members who have provided email addresses to UUP will also receive emails with instructions on how to access your personal electronic ballot Aug. 10.
- Please allow enough time for the postcard to reach you. If you don’t receive a postcard or email by Aug. 17, call MK Election Services at 203-403-8401 to request replacement voting instructions.
- Online voting will open 9 a.m. Aug. 10 and will close 5 p.m. Aug. 24. You may vote at any time during this period.
- The results of the vote will be announced after the balloting window has closed Aug. 24.
- Only UUP members can vote on the new contract.
The tentative agreement includes across-the-board raises (2% in 2022, 3% for 2023 through 2025); on-base retention awards for full-time employees at seven and 12 years of service; per-course minimum payment increases for contingents (to $5,500 or $6,000 per three-credit course depending on campus designation); and living wage expenses to raise minimum salaries for UUP’s lowest-paid academics and professionals.
In addition to the on-base retention awards, the tentative agreement also includes a $3,000 lump-sum bonus (not on base, paid out in 2024 and 2025.)
Paid Parental Leave is part of the new agreement. It provides 12 weeks of leave at full pay for birth, adoption or foster placement, taken anytime within the first seven months that the child is in the home; the new leave can be taken in addition to or instead of existing leave benefits. Paid Parental Leave is in addition to the existing Paid Family Leave.
Also, there are no increases in basic health insurance costs, including premiums and co-payments.
Members can find out many more details about the contract in UUP’s Negotiations Bulletin, which can be found on the password-protected Members Only portal on UUP’s website.