Event Membership News

Reminder: Celebration of Life for Steven Shaw

Dear Colleagues, Please see the following from UB Now. Celebration of Life set for Steven Shaw Published August 18, 2023 in UB Now A service celebrating the life of longtime UB staff member Steven L. Shaw will take place at 3:30 p.m. Sept. 21 in the Student Union Theatre, North Campus. A reception will follow […]

Buffalo Center News Event Membership News

Reminder: Welcome Back Picnic

Dear Colleagues, To celebrate the beginning of a new Academic Year, and the continued support and accomplishments of your Buffalo Center UUP, members are invited to attend a Welcome Back Picnic on: Wednesday, September 20th11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.The Commons Courtyard To ensure that there is enough food for everyone, we ask that you RSVP here, […]

Contingents Contract Membership

Contract WINS! One-Page Flyers

Dear Colleagues, Attached for your information are 2 one-page fliers that explain key provisions and gains in our new contract. One highlights major gains in this agreement, while the other shares key provisions for contingents. Hard copies of these are available in the office for those that would like one. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP […]

Event Membership

Welcome Back Picnic

Dear Colleagues, To celebrate the beginning of a new Academic Year, and the continued support and accomplishments of your Buffalo Center UUP, members are invited to attend a Welcome Back Picnic on: Wednesday, September 20th11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.The Commons Courtyard To ensure that there is enough food for everyone, we ask that you RSVP here, […]

Buffalo Center News Membership News

UUP in the News

Dear Colleagues, In case you missed it, please see the following where your Chapters participation in the Labor Day Parade was mentioned in the Buffalo News yesterday. Unions march ‘all as one’ at Labor Day parade ( Thank You to all those Members who came out in support of this event! In solidarity, Ken KernChapter […]

Buffalo Center News Event Membership News

Celebration of Life for Steven Shaw

Dear Colleagues, Please see the following from UB Now. Celebration of Life set for Steven ShawPublished August 18, 2023 in UB Now A service celebrating the life of longtime UB staff member Steven L. Shaw will take place at 3:30 p.m. Sept. 21 in the Student Union Theatre, North Campus. A reception will follow in […]

Buffalo Center News Membership News

Office Hours

Dear Colleagues, Please take note of our revised office hours starting next week, with the exception of Monday, September 4th. The office will be closed in observance of Labor Day. The physical office will be open Monday-Thursday, 9am-3pm The physical office will be closed, the virtual office will be open on Fridays, 9am-3pm. In Solidarity, […]

Employment Membership

Member Input Requested

Dear Colleagues, Recently the Chapter has been made aware of Member concerns involving On-Call and Start Dates vs. Hire Dates.

Buffalo Center News Contract Issues News

Changes to Article 49 Provisions

Dear Colleagues, Prior to this semester individual instruction was not permitted under Article 49 and attending courses for free. The campus changed its position and have removed that restriction. The University has removed the exclusion of individual instruction including thesis guidance from the program. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center

Buffalo Center News Membership News

Welcome Back Members!

Dear Colleagues, On behalf of the entire UUP Buffalo Center Chapter volunteer members of the Leadership Team who work to support your terms and conditions of employment as a New York State employee working at the university, I would like to extend a warm welcome and best wishes for the upcoming Academic year! Personally, I […]