Tel: (716) 276-3377
We are located in the Commons, Suite 108 on UB’s north campus.
Office Hours
The physical office is open on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. Virtual office on Friday: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm – call/email – 716.276.3377 or

Our Mailing Address
520 Lee Entrance
UB Commons, Suite 108
Amherst, NY 14228
Update Your Contact Info
In order to keep our members informed of all of our activities, programming and issues, we would like to be sure our contact information for you is current.
Why do we need your personal ( email?
UB does not allow UUP to send politically sensitive information to our members’ .edu email addresses. In order to be able to send you information about political action, we ask for a personal ( email address from our members.
Please note — Your personal email address is strictly for correspondence to and from UUP. UUP will not share this information with anyone.