Advocacy Budget Demonstration Event

Reminder: Rally in Support of Fredonia

Dear Colleagues, Your fellow UUP partners at SUNY Fredonia have scheduled a rally against university cuts to programs as a result of unfair funding by SUNY. Your participation and support at this event is requested. The rally is scheduled for Monday, April 29th at Noon on the SUNY Fredonia campus. Be advised that if you […]

Advocacy Demonstration Event News Statewide News

Rally in Support of Fredonia

Dear Colleagues, Your fellow UUP partners at SUNY Fredonia have scheduled a rally against university cuts to programs as a result of unfair funding by SUNY. Your participation and support at this event is requested. The rally is scheduled for Monday, April 29th at Noon on the SUNY Fredonia campus. Be advised that if you […]

Buffalo Center News Event Membership News

5/2: Chapter Picnic

Dear Colleagues, Please join your fellow Members to celebrate your union at the UUP Buffalo Center Chapter Picnic scheduled for: Thursday, May 2nd11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.The Commons Courtyard To ensure that there is enough food for everyone, we ask that you RSVP here, no later than Monday, April 29th . Members are asked to […]

Event Membership

Happy Hour

Dear Colleagues, The UUP Buffalo Center Chapter would like to invite all Members and any university UUP associated employee to a Happy Hour scheduled for Thursday, February 8th4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.UUP Buffalo Center Chapter OfficeThe Commons – Suite 108 Please RSVP here  no later than Wednesday, February 9th Looking forward to seeing you then! […]

Call To Action Membership News Statewide News

SUNY Buffalo Center Supports SUNY Potsdam

Dear Colleagues, As you are aware, our UUP colleagues at Potsdam are facing a disturbing and challenging new situation created by decisions made by SUNY’s Board of Trustees. On Sept. 19, SUNY Potsdam President Suzanne Smith announced a drastic financial restructuring plan that includes the deactivation of 14 degree programs and closing as many as […]

Buffalo Center News Membership News

UUP in the News

Dear Colleagues, In case you missed it, please see the following where your Chapters participation in the Labor Day Parade was mentioned in the Buffalo News yesterday. Unions march ‘all as one’ at Labor Day parade ( Thank You to all those Members who came out in support of this event! In solidarity, Ken KernChapter […]

Buffalo Center News Event Membership News

Reminder: Labor Day Parade

Dear Colleagues, I would like to strongly encourage you and your family/friends to consider marching with your fellow WNY UUP members in this year’s Labor Day Parade! Monday, September 4th11:00 a.m. – Line Up12:00 Noon – Parade Begins At the corner of Dorrance Avenue & McKinley Parkway, Buffalo FREE Cookout immediately following the Parade in […]


Pride Parade Update

Dear Colleagues, Your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter has registered to participate in Buffalo’s Pride Parade scheduled for June 4th, and are looking forward to your participation! Members interested in participating in the parade should RSVP at:, no later than Wednesday, May 31st, so that we may have an accurate number of individuals to expect. Here […]

Contract Event Membership News

This is What Solidarity Looks Like!

Dear Colleagues, A big THANK YOU to all of our members who wore red last week, made posters, hung posters, encouraged colleagues to participate, attended the rally and submitted photos/videos from the rally. Your efforts are greatly appreciated and we do hope the result will be a better contract—a fair contract for each and every […]

Call To Action Contract Demonstration Event Membership

Tomorrow: Will you lend your voice?

Dear Colleagues, Tomorrow 600 people are needed at the Western New York Contract Rally beginning at 11:00 a.m. outside Rockwell Hall at Buffalo State. We’re almost to our goal. This is one of the best ways to show up, get involved and tell the state that their proposals aren’t good enough. RSVP now! Do you […]