At last, UUP knows when the long-delayed 2020 and 2021 raises due to UUP bargaining unit members will be paid.
The state issued details May 15 about the delayed raises, and the dates that the delayed 2020 raises and the 2021 raises will be paid are listed below.
The raises were negotiated by UUP and are guaranteed as part of the 2016-2022 contract between UUP and the state, but were delayed because of the coronavirus pandemic, when New York faced a double-digit budget deficit with no certainty of when or if additional federal pandemic relief would be provided to states.
The payment schedule is as follows:
- Those due 2020 raises will receive that increase and retroactive payments in paychecks dated Aug. 4th.
- Raises due for 2021 will be paid as scheduled: 12-month employees whose increases are effective in July will see the 2021 increase in paychecks dated Aug. 18th.
- 10-month/academic year employees whose increases are effective in September will see the 2021 increase in checks dated Sept. 15th or Sept. 29th.
- Adjunct faculty will see the 2021 increase in their first check after returning to obligation.
Please contact UUP at 800-342-4206 or comment@uupmail.org with questions about the raises.