
Earth Week Update – Friday​

Dear Colleagues, On day three of #EarthDay actions, we are getting as many people registered to vote as possible! We must elect climate-friendly candidates at all levels of government.  Today we challenge you to ask one person who is not already registered to vote to register today! Registering to vote is easy and can be done […]


Course Development Agreements/Intellectual Property – SPECIAL BULLETIN

Dear Colleagues, Please see the following information from Statewide Vice President for Academics, Jamie Dangler. This information is also for any professional staff that are teaching. In solidarity,Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center______________________________________________________________________________ Dear UUP Chapter Leaders, Please see UUP’s new Special Bulletin on faculty courses and intellectual property concerns at the link below – and […]

Benefits Contract

Select Holiday Pay Option May 15th 2020

Colleagues, Please see this important message from Amy Myszka, Director, UB Human Resources – Benefits. In solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center——————————————————————————————————————– Greetings, We are writing to remind state UUP employees to select their holiday pay option by May 15, 2020.  State employees represented by United University Professions (UUP) who are eligible to observe holidays can declare their preference for […]

Financial Planning Webinar

Within Reach Financial Workshop

Colleagues, As with the case with many of our other workshops, TIAA and I have agreed to offer the in-person workshop entitled “Within Reach” via a WebEx forum.     Within Reach (TIAA)May 15, 2020, Noon – 1:00 PM So it’s time to retire, now what? Make some final preparations to help shift from an active […]


Earth Week – Thursday – Divest

Dear Colleagues, On day two of Earth Day actions, we are focusing on targeting financial institutions across the country, bringing attention to the fact that banks, insurance companies, and asset managers are complicit in funding, insuring, and investing in the climate crisis. In addition we are calling for companies to divest from the fossil fuel industry.  Stopping […]


Earth Day Message from Fred Kowal

Dear Colleagues, As this 50th anniversary of Earth Day comes to a close, please take a few minutes to watch and reflect on comments from your UUP Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center

Financial Planning Webinar

Virtual Student Debt Clinics

Dear Colleagues, The NYSUT student debt webinars are up and running.  Registration is opened and has already been sent to members who had previously registered for a cancelled live session.  Two sessions have been scheduled for next week with open registration, Tuesday 4/28 at 4:30pm  and Thursday 4/30 at 6pm. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP […]


Federal Funds and SUNY Campuses

Please see the following from Statewide President Fred Kowal: Dear Colleagues: In the last federal aid package (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and. Economic Security (CARES) Act), Higher Education received funding that is intended to assist students and campuses impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Half of the funding is to take the form of a direct allocation to campuses to […]


Happy Earth Day!

Dear Colleagues, Today is #EarthDay!We are joining our students, colleagues, and coalition partners across the globe for three days of Earth Day action, beginning today! On Earth Day, we fight for our climate because fighting for our climate is fighting for the future of our students, our state and our planet.  While many events are happening “virtually” […]

Contingents Health Insurance Retirement Uncategorized

Update/Additional Information for Adjuncts

Clarification Regarding Benefits and Retirement: Please refer to page 2 of the NYSHIP Planning for Retirement booklet for the correct information on eligibility for retirement and qualifying for NYSHIP retiree health insurance. To verify eligibility, please reach out to the Benefits and Work/Life Balance Office. Please keep in mind that some requests may take longer to complete than […]