Aviva ABRAMOVSKY, Katherine AIKEN, Keisha ALSTON, Susan BAGDASARIAN, Laurie BARSZCZ, Katharine BARTELO, Shirley BENNETT, Laurie BRAGG, Jennifer BRITTON, Ann BROWN, Michelle BURGER, Katherine BURROW, Tricia CANTY, Nina CASCIO, Rebecca CHAPMAN, Christina COATS, Janice COCHRAN, Lynn COLLIS, Abigail COOKE, Olga CROMBIE, Donna CZAJA, Lynette DEPONCEAU, Diane DITTMAR, Tamara DIXON, Maureen DONNELLY, Rebecca DONOGHUE, Tiffany DUMOUCHELLE, Hope […]
Category: Membership
The Center for the Arts (CFA) is offering a $10 discount to University faculty & staff at any price level to the following shows: Urban Bush Women Legacy + Lineage + LiberationWednesday, March 13, 2024 | 7:30 p.m.Celebrating Urban Bush Women’s 40th Anniversary, Legacy + Lineage + Liberation celebrates the power of Women(+) in an […]
Dear Colleagues, Our new Negotiated Contract outlines all the potential upcoming dates for your salary increases and bonus payments. As a Member of UUP, you are not restricted to just these negotiated dates. Your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter will be holding a workshop via Zoom: “The Search For More Money”Thursday, March 7thNoon – via Zoom […]
Dear Colleagues, I am very pleased to announce and congratulate the work of our Buffalo Center Chapter’s efforts on this past week’s Membership Blitz. Under the direction of your UUP organizer, Danielle Judge, and your Chapter’s Membership Development Officer Domenic Licata, 55 consultations were held resulting in 24 new Members signing up with the Chapter! […]
Please see the following from Anna Sotelo-Peryea, Associate Director of Health Promotion – Violence Prevention Coordinator: You are invited to join us for this In-Service Training on Linking to Community Sexual Assault Response. Most sexual assaults go unreported, decreasing the likelihood that survivors will be linked to the services and supports to heal. Many will […]
Vacant Officer Positions
Dear Colleagues, Your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter is in need of individuals interested to fill the positions of the Chapter’s Officer for Contingents, and Outreach Officer. Members are asked to review the positions descriptions below, and consider becoming a Chapter Officer for one of these two vacant positions. Please contact me, khkern@buffalo.edu, if you are […]
Dear Colleagues, UUP’s popular monthly Pre-Retirement Workshops are scheduled February 13th and 15th, 2024. The part 1 workshop will take place on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, at 7:00pm which will cover Healthcare/Medicare. The part 2 workshop will take place on Thursday, February 15, 2024, at 7:00pm which will cover union benefits (dental & vision) UUP […]
Dear Colleagues, There are currently vacancies for UUP Buffalo Center Professional staff on the Chapter’s College Review Panel. As a result, the Chapter is seeking Professional staff Members interested in becoming a part of this group. Please read the verbiage below regarding the composition of the committee, the anticipated work of the Panel, and a form to fill out […]
Happy Hour
Dear Colleagues, The UUP Buffalo Center Chapter would like to invite all Members and any university UUP associated employee to a Happy Hour scheduled for Thursday, February 8th4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.UUP Buffalo Center Chapter OfficeThe Commons – Suite 108 Please RSVP here no later than Wednesday, February 9th Looking forward to seeing you then! […]
Dear Colleagues, Please see the following from Statewide Secretary/Treasurer Jeri O’Bryan-Losee: Over 12 million people in the United States are struggling to make their monthly student loan payments, and millions more see economic and personal opportunities pass as they prioritize paying down their debt. Does this sound like you or someone you know? Many of […]