
Individual Development Award Program Application

Below you will find a link for the Individual Development Award Program.

March 14, 2022, is the due date for all applications for activities taking place between  January 1, 2022, and June 30, 2022.

It is the policy of the State of New York to provide for and promote equal opportunity in employment and equal access to all programs and services without discrimination on the basis of age, race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender.


UUP Organizing Academy

The UUP Organizing Academy is a new program for UUP members who are serious about strengthening and growing our union. It will offer fifteen workshops on organizing topics such as: one-on-one conversations, campaign planning, managing data, building teams, and more.

We are pleased to offer the first level of training – Basics of Organizing – in the Spring semester of 2022! See below for courses offered and schedules. Members who complete the whole series of courses will have their achievement recognized.

This training is for new and seasoned UUP union activists who want to:

  • Build union power
  • Grow UUP’s membership
  • Learn leadership skills
  • Run effective campaigns

Remember to complete UUP’s Contract Negotiations Member Survey

What do you want to see in the next UUP contract? How should UUP approach its negotiations over compensation, health benefits, telecommuting, contingent faculty concerns, hospital issues, and more?

Please take a few minutes out of your busy schedule to complete UUP’s Contract Negotiations Member Survey.  When we go to the table, we want to make sure that we are bargaining on behalf of the pressing needs of our members. We also want to be able to emphasize to the State that we have an active, engaged membership—a membership that is paying attention to negotiations and needs to see specific, material improvements in our working conditions.  

Completing the survey doesn’t take long and it will give us leverage at the table. We’ll be closing the survey on 12/17 so that we can begin to prepare our contract proposals. Once you have completed the survey, please take a minute to remind your colleagues and co-workers to do the same. As always, we’re stronger together.



Welcome to Our New Home on the Web

The Empire State College UUP Chapter website has moved! Formerly hosted by Google Sites, we are now hosted by UUP, using WordPress. Our look and feel has changed, but we’ve kept the site’s organization, including the pages just for academics, professionals, part-timers and new employees.