
Labor Picnics in the Capital District

The Capital District Area Labor Federation is happy to invite all Albany-area union members, including UUP members and staff, to two exciting Labor events. 

A Kick -Off to Labor Union Picnic!

Sunday, August 27 from 1pm – 4pm

American Legion on Grooms Rd in Halfmoon, NY 

There will be food, fun and family-friendly games.  All are encouraged to attend this fun Labor event! RSVPs are appreciated.  Please register at:

Capital District Solidarity Committee’s Labor Day Picnic and Celebration

Monday, Sept. 4 from Noon – 5:00PM

Cook Park in Colonie, NY

Hot Dogs and Hamburgers will be served and potluck as well, so please bring a dish to share. There will be music and awards. The event is free and open to everyone.