Buffalo Center News Contingents Employment

Statement on Teaching Assignments and Scheduling for Contingents/Adjuncts

Dear Colleagues, The UUP Buffalo Center Chapter requests the following considerations be made by chairs when assigning or canceling courses taught by adjunct and contingent faculty: Please assign adjunct and contingent faculty courses chairs know are more likely to run. Course cancellations do not affect tenured faculty financially, but they do negatively and often drastically […]


Policies Currently in 30 Day Review

Dear Colleagues, There are currently 2 policies in UB’s Policy Library that are up for 30-day review.  Should anyone wish to comment on them, now is the time. Approval Authority Policy Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Policy and Guidance Both recommended policies can be found at: In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center


Call for Donated Time

Dear Colleagues, We have a member in need of donated time. If you are able to donate vacation days, please do so by visiting the following link: Please note*  The intended recipient information can be left blank. Thank you. In Solidarity, Ken Kern Chapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center

Contingents Contract Employment

Negotiations Contingent Flier 2022

Dear Colleagues, We received the following flier from UUP central yesterday afternoon. If you are part-time/contingent faculty, please consider becoming involved in the contract negotiations effort to have a voice on this topic. If you are interested, please email us at or 716-276-3377. In solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center

Academics Employment


Dear Colleagues, Your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter is encouraging all full-time faculty to complete the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) survey. A recent UB Now article on the COACHE Survey can be found at: Faculty staff should have received an e-mail with your unique link to the survey. If you do not see it in […]

Contract Employment Membership

Last Chance – Contract Survey

Dear Colleagues, The Buffalo Center Chapter of the United University Professions urges you one last time to urge you to complete UUP’s Contract Negotiation Member Survey at You know how important it is to get a good contract.  By filling out a short survey, you help the negotiations team in at least two ways. […]

Contract Employment Membership

Vacation Day Extension

Dear Colleagues, Please see the following from statewide President Fred Kowal: I am pleased to announce that we have reached two agreements with the State on two issues of great importance to our members. First, last Thursday, we signed off on an agreement that will earn our hospital members who are eligible for overtime pay, […]

Buffalo Center News Employment Membership

Deadline Correction for DSI Self-Nominations

Dear Colleagues, The UUP Buffalo Center has received word from some members, that the identified deadline of October 29th to get DSI self-nominations to supervisors, is after the campus process closes.  It is our understanding that the university has informed department heads that units must have recommendations back to central HR by October 15th. Those wishing to […]

Budget Employment Financial Planning Membership

Discretionary Funds for 2021

Dear Colleagues This information is being distributed to you to keep you as well informed as possible with regards to Discretionary Funds (DSI) for UUP Members for 2021. The opportunity for Discretionary Funds for UUP members comes from 2 sources: Discretionary Funds Controlled by the university – One half of one percent of UUP payroll […]

Contract Employment Meeting Membership

Reminder: CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS – Chapter Town Hall Meeting

Dear Colleagues We are pleased to announce that a virtual Negotiations Townhall meeting for the Buffalo Center Chapter has been scheduled for Friday, October 8th at 12:00 Noon. The Negotiations Townhall meeting will be led by UUP Chief Negotiator Bret Benjamin and Counsel to the UUP President Elizabeth Hough. This will be a Members Only event which will provide a critical opportunity to […]