
Welcome to the Purchase chapter of United University Professions (UUP), the largest higher education union in the United States. UUP represents all employees—academic and professional, full-time and part-time—who comprise the SUNY Professional Services Bargaining Unit: more than 35,000 members in 524-plus job titles on 29 SUNY campuses, plus System Administration and Empire State College. UUP is affiliated with New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the National Education Association (NEA), and the AFL-CIO.

UUP negotiates the Agreement (contract) with the State of New York, which covers the terms and conditions of our employment. On campus, elected UUP chapter officers and our NYSUT/UUP labor relations specialist monitor implementation of the Agreement. UUP @ Purchase provides representation for all campus members of our bargaining unit through contractually authorized labor-management meetings, grievance procedures, and statewide UUP delegate assemblies and committees.

UUP @ Purchase activities include dialogue with management; administration and facilitation of certain benefits and grants; SUNY advocacy, membership development, college and community service, and sponsorship of social, community-building events. Through coordinated outreach and advocacy with the community and elected officials, UUP and the Purchase chapter continually articulate and champion the need for strong and stable funding for SUNY.

UUP is your union, and the strength of UUP @ Purchase depends on your active participation.