Dear Colleagues, As you are no doubt aware, the university has now distributed the 2024 discretionary salary increases to selected eligible UUP represented employees. You will find the roster outlining who received these payments and the amount that each employee received here. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center
Tag: DSI
Hello all, This is reminder that the deadline for self-nominations for the 2024 distribution of Discretionary Salary Increases funding to your immediate supervisor is the end of this week, Friday, October 4th. Eligibility for UUP members is to have been on payroll for the time period of July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024. We […]
DSI and Self Nominations
Dear Colleagues, We anticipate the process of consideration into the distribution of Discretionary Salary Increases to begin soon. As per our negotiated contract, the 2024-25 DSI: 0.5% pool of total payroll is to be distributed by campuses to eligible employees at management’s discretion in December of 2024. While the distributions of these funds are subject […]
Dear Colleagues, As you are no doubt aware, the university has now distributed the 2022 discretionary salary increases and salary compression adjustments to all eligible UUP represented employees. You will find the roster outlining who received these payments and the amount that each employee received at: The roster includes separate columns reflecting the amount […]
DSI Self Nomination
Dear Colleagues, The following is based on last year’s information with regards to this year’s 2022 Discretionary Salary Increase – DSI (Non-Compression) process, and individual data checks for Compression: DSI – While the distributions of these funds are subject to the administration’s discretion, members may themselves for consideration into a portion of these funds.You should submit […]
Dear Colleagues, As you may be aware, the university has now distributed 2021 discretionary salary increases and salary compression adjustments to all eligible UUP – represented employees. The roster outlining who received these payments and the amount that each employee received can be found at: The roster includes separate columns reflecting the amount each […]