Dear Colleagues, As part of the most recent Delegate Assembly, the following State and Federal Legislative Agendas were released. Please find attached UUP’s 2021 State and Federal Legislative Agenda documents. We hope you will join us in advocating for the future of our campuses, our communities, and our state. If you wish to become active, […]
Category: Issues
Dear Colleagues, Please see the attached flyer announcing the introduction of the new UUP/NYS Benefit: NYS/UUP Certification and Licensure Exam Fee Reimbursement (NYS/UUP CLEFR) Program o Reimbursement for job-related and career related exam fees for first time certification, licensure, or designation. o Maximum reimbursement is $1,000 per program year. o First program year will cover exams beginning between Jan. 1, […]
Greetings, The Governor’s Office of Employee Relations (GOER) and United University Professions (UUP) are pleased to announce the availability of the Individual Development Awards (IDA) provided for and funded under the UUP 2016-2022 Agreement. The purpose of the awards program is to assist eligible full-time and part-time employees in developing their full professional potential with an emphasis on […]
Dear Colleagues: As a UUP member, you may be able to deduct your UUP membership fee on your NY State Taxes. Here is how to find the specific information that is needed to find out what you paid: Go to the SUNY Time sheet and login: Click on “NYS Payroll Online” Click “View Paycheck” Click on […]
Dear Colleagues, The following contains information on the upcoming Buffalo Center Chapter Elections. Over the last few months, I’ve been encouraging members to consider running in the upcoming Chapter elections – particularly for the Chapter Board position. Within the next couple of weeks, Nomination Forms will be mailed to you (A SAMPLE as to what […]
Please see the following from statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal: Colleagues, Since the start of the vaccination program in New York State, UUP leadership has been working aggressively with SUNY leadership and the Governor’s staff to include our members in the first phases of vaccination. We have been successful in making sure all of our […]
Vaccination Situation
Dear Colleagues, Please see the following from statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal: I had intended to send you all an email outlining where we are regarding vaccinations for our members, as I anticipate that we will have certainty as to where things stand. However, upon consideration of the stress our members are under, I thought […]
Dear Colleagues, The NYS Education Department has a pathway for individuals with College teaching experience to become public school teachers (quickly) and local school districts are in desperate need of substitute teachers. The New York State Education Department (NYSED) has a pathway for certifying individuals (who have at least two years experience teaching at the college level) as […]
Dear Colleagues, Please see the following information from Statewide Membership Development Officer, Mr. Tom Hoey: Dear Colleagues, We were informed by UNUM (UUP’s life Insurance carrier) that the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) Life Bureau is requiring that Unum remove all Value Added Services (Worldwide Emergency Travel Assistance, Life Planning Financial and Legal […]
Please email to register. Make sure to specify the workshop(s) you are registering for. A ZOOM ID will be provided upon registration. Visualize Retirement When it comes to retirement do you know where you are going? Do you have a plan? As the old saying goes, “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end […]