Buffalo Center News Contract Statewide News

July 1/Sept. 1 2% Increases


We just received the following information from statewide President, Fred Kowal:

Dear Colleagues,

We received notification from the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations this afternoon that the state is delaying implementation of the 2% across the board salary increases that are due to our members  on July 1 or Sept 1 (depending on obligation).  At this time, the state has indicated that these raises will be delayed to Sept 30, 2020, subject to further review at that time.  The state has informed us that this is a delay in payment of the July1/Sept. 1  2% increase, not a cancellation of the raise.

The delay of the July 1/Sept 1 2% across the board increase for our members mirrors the delay of the 2% increases that were due to other state employees beginning April 1.  It is our understanding that the April 1 2% increases due to the other state bargaining units have also been delayed again to Sept. 30, subject to further review at that time.

As we know, the July1/Sept.1 2% increase is contractually provided for in the 2016-2022 State/UUP Agreement.  At this time, we are reviewing all options available to us to assure that the state honors its contractual obligation. This will include filing a state-wide class action grievance challenging the state’s failure to  implement the 2% increase on a timely basis.

While we did not agree with, or accept, we understand that, the state’s decision is driven by the state budget crisis that has developed as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic.  To address this crisis, it is critical that the federal government provide desperately assistance to state and local governments across the country, including New York.  This support is provided in the federal HEROES Act which has passed the House of Representatives but has yet to be taken up by the Senate.   Just as we asked members to advocate to pass the CARES Act, we are also asking members to advocate for passage of the HEROES Act. Additional specific information about  what our members can do to help will be available next week.​

In Solidarity,
