Employment Health and Safety Statewide News

Telecommuting Agreement Extension

Dear Colleagues, An agreement with the State to extend the Telecommuting Agreement through October 2, 2020.  UUP has updated the COVID 19 Q&A to reflect this and other developments since the last update. That updated Q&A can be found on the UUP COVID 19 Resources web page: In Solidarity, Ken Kern President, Buffalo Center Chapter […]

Academics Health and Safety Webinar

UUP Statewide Webinar for Academic Dept. Chairs

Dear Department Chairs, UUP invites you to attend a webinar to discuss issues confronting academic department chairs, including those pertaining to campus reopening in the COVID-19 context. The webinar will take place on June 25th at 1 pm. Instructions for joining are attached. At the start of the webinar UUP President Fred Kowal and Vice President for […]

Buffalo Center News Statewide News

UUP Reopening Principles

Dear Colleagues, Attached is a copy of the letter and accompanying document that was sent by UUP to SUNY Chancellor Johnson and SUNY Board of Trustees Chairman Tisch this past Friday. The letter and attachment outline what UUP believes to be the core of any planned reopening of SUNY institutions in the Fall semester.  In Solidarity, […]

Call To Action

Pledge of Labor Solidarity for SUNY Campus Workers

Dear Colleagues and Friends of UUP, Drawing on statements from fellow UUP Chapters, as well as statewide UUP, the Buffalo Center UUP Officers have developed and approved the following Pledge of Labor Solidarity for SUNY Campus Workers. We are asking you to signify your support for this statement by signing the pledge. Please share widely […]

Employment Statewide News

Holiday Leave

Dear Colleagues, Please see the following from UUP Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal, regarding a recent agreement between UUP and the State extending the 2019 Memorial Day and Independence Day Holiday Comp Time extension until December 31st, 2020. In Solidarity,Ken KernChapter President Holiday Leave Memo of Agreement Dear Colleagues, As we continue to deal with […]

Employment Statewide News

New Executive Order: Extension of Non-Essential Employees

Colleagues, Late yesterday, the Governor extended his order that non-essential employees work from home through May 28th.  The new order does modify his earlier order to permit public employers to reopen those activities that are consistent with the reopening phase in their region. What this means is that nearly all of our bargaining unit members […]

Tenure and Promotion

Tenure Clock Extension MOA

Please see the following message from Statewide President, Fred Kowal, regarding Tenure Clock Extension: Dear Colleagues,  UUP and SUNY have entered a Memorandum of Understanding to address concerns of members about the potential impact of the COIVD 19 crisis on teaching, research, scholarship or other work that  could potentially impact upcoming reviews for tenure, permanent […]

Employment Statewide News

Updated UUP COVID-19 Q & A

Attached is the latest informational Q & A from UUP as of May 7, 2020. Please note:The telecommuting agreement had been extended by agreement with SUNY through close of business July 17, 2020.​ In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center

Health and Safety News Statewide News

Coronavirus Testing for NYS Essential Workers

Dear Colleagues, The attached flyer regarding available testing for essential workers was released from the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations (GOER) for distribution.  Please share widely. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center


Continued Federal Advocacy Actions

Dear Colleagues, Please see the latest information from UUP Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal. Note that there is a minor change to our Action Network letter so that non-members, family, and friends can also contact their representatives in support of New York State. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center Colleagues, Our advocacy efforts continue […]