Buffalo Center News

UUP Statement in Response to President Tripathi’s University Financial Update of 10/12/2020

UUP Statement in Response to President Tripathi’s University Financial Update of 10/12/2020 ​The Buffalo Center Chapter of UUP presents the following in response to President Tripathi’s University Financial Update of 10/12/2020, specifically: “Unfunded negotiated salary increases continue to be the university’s most pressing long-term financial concern. Two years ago, the funding of one-time retroactive costs associated […]

Buffalo Center News Statewide News

Telecommuting Agreement/Salary Increases Delay

Please see the following from Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal: Colleagues, First, the good news. I have just received word that the telecommuting agreement that all statewide public sector unions negotiated with the State of New York back at the start of the COVID emergency has been extended through the end of December, 2020. This […]

Buffalo Center News Event

UUP Buffalo Center Labor Day Car Caravan

Dear Colleagues, Join your fellow UUP members on Monday, September 7, 12:00-1:00 PM as we caravan around campus to support Union Values, Social Justice and A Safe Reopening for UB. We want all essential workers and our members to know that we appreciate all the work that they are doing to keep our members, campuses & communities safe.  Cars will […]

Buffalo Center News Event

UUP Buffalo Center Labor Day Car Caravan

Dear Colleagues, Join your fellow UUP members on Monday, September 7, 12:00-1:00 PM as we caravan around campus to support Union Values, Social Justice and A Safe Reopening for UB. We want all essential workers and our members to know that we appreciate all the work that they are doing to keep our members, campuses & communities safe.  […]

Buffalo Center News Event Uncategorized

Bunsis Report Presentation

Dear Colleagues, Buffalo Center UUP is co-sponsoring a Zoom Session by Howard Bunsis on September 11 at 3:00 pm.  He will be discussing the Bunsis Report on UB’s finances, which arrived just prior to the COVID Crisis. It has become even more pressing and relevant as we head into this financial crisis, with “Capen 5”, and UBF lack of financial transparency. The […]

Buffalo Center News

Buffalo Center Chapter Member Earns Retiree Award

Dear Colleagues, It is with great pride that the Buffalo Chapter recognizes Stacey Johnson as this years recipient of the UUP Pearl Brod Award. You can read more about the award, and this accomplishment in the latest issue of “The Voice” (page 16). The virtual copy can be found at:​ Join me in congratulating Stacey on […]

Benefits Buffalo Center News

Drescher Applications – Spring 2021​

Dear Colleagues, UUP Central has been checking every couple of days and it looks like the Drescher applications for Spring 21 are finally up with a September 1 deadline: In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center

Buffalo Center News Call To Action Event Health and Safety Statewide News

Join Virtual Rally for a Safe SUNY

Please see the following from Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center Dear Colleagues, Thank you for making your voice heard over the past few months. Whether you signed a petition, committed to action, participated in legislative tele-town halls, membership tele-town halls, or wrote a letter to your legislator – […]

Buffalo Center News Employment

Labor Day

Dear Colleagues, The Provost announced that classes will be held on Labor Day.  In past years UB has always observed Labor Day as a holiday. UUP had no contractual way to prevent this change to the calendar. So what does this mean for you? Per Article 23.5c, if you are a professional or 12 month […]

Buffalo Center News Call To Action Health and Safety Statewide News

Sign UUP’s Petition Calling for SUNY to Convene a Virtual Public Hearing

As UUP continues to push for a reopening of campuses that is as safe as possible for all in our campus communities, it has become clear that SUNY needs to hear from all of us. Our voices and concerns must be heard by the leaders of the system, and we must be partners to ensure […]