Buffalo Center News Meeting Membership

General Membership Meeting Announcement

Dear Colleagues, Your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter will be hosting a General Membership Meeting utilizing the Zoom platform. This meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 19th from Noon – 2:00 p.m.Please RSVP your attendance to the following link, for membership verification, and to receive your meeting invitation (which will include the details on how to join the meeting). Register […]

Buffalo Center News Health and Safety Statewide News

UUP COVID-19 Vaccination Statement

Please see the following from Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal, and the attached FAQ: Dear Colleagues: As the possibility of vaccination against COVID 19 becomes a reality for many of our members, we are receiving questions from across the state, both about gaining access to vaccines from those who want to be vaccinated as soon […]

Buffalo Center News Membership Statewide News

Update – Chapter Elections

Dear Colleagues, Over the last few days you should have received, mailed to your home, the nomination form for the upcoming UUP Buffalo Center Chapter elections. I would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to consider running for either an officer position and/or Chapter Board position for the upcoming 2 year term. In order to continue with […]

Buffalo Center News Health and Safety

COVID Concerns/Issues Q&A Guideline – January 2021

Dear Colleagues, In follow up to the information developed and sent in August of 2020 for the Fall 2020 semester; the Buffalo Center Chapter, in partnership with the Chapter’s Health and Safety Committee, has developed the attached Q&A to address your COVID related concerns and issues with regards to the upcoming Spring 2021 semester.  If at any time […]

Buffalo Center News Membership Statewide News

Delegate Assembly Summary

Dear Colleagues, Elected delegates of your Buffalo Center Chapter attended the Delegate Assembly this past Friday and Saturday. The following is a summary of that event including topics discussed, Legislative Advocacy Plans and resolutions passed. Remember that you can also run to become a Delegate at the upcoming Chapter elections. In the face of great uncertainty about […]

Buffalo Center News

January 18th Virtual Office Hour

Colleagues, Be advised that the virtual office hour for Monday, January 18th will be CANCELLED in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center

Buffalo Center News Membership

Chapter Elections – Position Consideration and Information

Dear Colleagues, The following contains information on the upcoming Buffalo Center Chapter Elections. Over the last few months, I’ve been encouraging members to consider running in the upcoming Chapter elections – particularly for the Chapter Board position. Within the next couple of weeks, Nomination Forms will be mailed to you (A SAMPLE as to what […]

Buffalo Center News

Welcome New Chapter Officers

Dear Colleagues, Over the last few weeks the Buffalo Center Chapter Board has approved the appointments of 2 new Chapter Officers. Please join me in welcoming… Matthew Dimick – Buffalo Chapter Officer for ContingentsProfessorLaw School Carine Mardorossian, PhD  – Buffalo Center Chapter Grievance Officer for AcademicsCollege of Arts and SciencesExecutive Director, Northeast Modern Language Association ProfessorDepartment […]

Buffalo Center News

Happy Thanksgiving & Holiday Season

Dear Colleagues, As we begin to prepare for Holiday celebrations, I wanted to take the time to express my gratitude to you—the members of the Buffalo Center Chapter of UUP. I am grateful for our members who take collective action and stand united as the voice for the academic and professional workforce at the university. Your support allows […]

Buffalo Center News

Paul Zarembka Retirement

Dear Colleagues, Recently, it was announced that Paul Zarembka will be retiring from UB in mid-January and moving to a Research Professor title, reflective of his continued intentions regarding research. As a result, Paul will also be retiring from his position as Grievance Officer for the Buffalo Center UUP. On behalf of the UUP Buffalo Center, […]