Contingents Employment Webinar

Webinar: Unemployment Insurance and the Contingent Academic, 5/1

As a member of UUP, you are also a member of the American Teachers Federation (AFT). Our affiliate, AFT is holding the following webinar Friday, May 1st. Adjunct and graduate assistant employment is precarious in the best of times. As the COVID 19 health crisis continues, both academic and nonacademic jobs for AFT members are […]

Financial Planning Webinar

Within Reach Financial Workshop

Colleagues, As with the case with many of our other workshops, TIAA and I have agreed to offer the in-person workshop entitled “Within Reach” via a WebEx forum.     Within Reach (TIAA)May 15, 2020, Noon – 1:00 PM So it’s time to retire, now what? Make some final preparations to help shift from an active […]

Financial Planning Webinar

Virtual Student Debt Clinics

Dear Colleagues, The NYSUT student debt webinars are up and running.  Registration is opened and has already been sent to members who had previously registered for a cancelled live session.  Two sessions have been scheduled for next week with open registration, Tuesday 4/28 at 4:30pm  and Thursday 4/30 at 6pm. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP […]