Event Membership

Buffalo Center “Gets The Ball Rolling”

Dear Colleagues, Are you on the north campus, and need a break from work during the summer? Want to get outside and enjoy the weather?  Beginning Thursdays in July, UUP Buffalo Center members may hang out with fellow colleagues for some fun and games, as we will meet in the field near the Boat Dock (between the Center for the Arts, […]

Benefits Membership

Darien Lake Discounts

Dear Colleagues, Our “parent” organization NYSUT, has arranged for Darien Lake discounts for UUP members. Six Flags Darien Lake is once again offering discounted tickets to NYSUT members.  NYSUT Days are scheduled for July 5 – July 30, 2021.  Members can use their tickets for any ONE day during that week.  They pick the day that is most convenient […]

Buffalo Center News Membership

Chapter Board Appoints Officers, Confirms Standing Committees

Dear Colleagues, The newly elected Buffalo Center Chapter Board, as part of their recent June meeting held last week, completed approvals of appointed Chapter Officer positions, and confirmed Chairs and Board Liasons to the Chapter’s Standing Committees.  The Buffalo Center Chapter Board is proud to announce the following Officer Appointments for the June 1st, 2021 – May 31st, […]

Financial Planning Webinar

Student Debt Clinics

Dear Colleagues, Over 12 million people in the United States are struggling to make their monthly student loan payments, and millions more see economic and personal opportunities pass as they prioritize paying down their debt. Does this sound like you or someone you know?  Many of these people may qualify for free federal programs that […]

Buffalo Center News Membership News Statewide News

Reminder- Call for UUP Statewide Committee Members

Dear Colleagues, UUP is in the process of setting up their various Statewide Committees, and any UUP member may be considered. Attached are a list of the various UUP Statewide Committee Descriptions for your review, and consideration for joining. If you are interested in becoming a member of any of these Statewide Committees, please indicate your preference […]

Health and Safety

Telecommuting Updates: NEW DEVELOPMENTS

Dear Colleagues, Please see the following information from Statewide Vice -President for Academics, Jamie Dangler, received late last Friday: UUP President Fred Kowal is out of state and unable to deliver this message himself, so I am sending it on his behalf.  As a result of continued discussions about the telecommuting pilot program and potential […]

Buffalo Center News Membership News Statewide News

Call For UUP Statewide Committee Members

Dear Colleagues, UUP is in the process of setting up their various Statewide Committees, and any UUP member may be considered. Attached are a list of the various UUP Statewide Committee Descriptions for your review, and consideration for joining. If you are interested in becoming a member of any of these Statewide Committees, please indicate your preference […]

Health and Safety Issues Membership

What has UUP Done For YOU!

Dear Colleagues, As plans are being made for a greater number of our members returning to campus, remember what UUP has done for you during the COVID Crisis: 1. Many educational institutions cut their budgets that lead to laying off of many faculty and staff. SUNY and UUP worked together to ensure that this would not happen. […]

Health and Safety

Reminder – UUP UB Vaccine Survey

Dear Colleagues, If you have not already taken the UUP UB Vaccine Survey, you are being asked to do so at Please complete this survey as soon as possible, and no later than Friday, June 18th. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center

Buffalo Center News Event Health and Safety Meeting Membership News Statewide News

Summary of the Spring 2021 Delegate Assembly

Dear Colleagues, The following is a summary of work completed by your elected Chapter Delegates, at the recent Spring Delegate Assembly: ​The theme of the UUP Spring 2021 Delegate Assembly, as delegates came together for what leaders hope will be the last all-virtual DA, could be summarized with these words of strength and optimism: “Looking […]