Employment Event Webinar Work Load

Workshop #3/3: Performance Management in the COVID Era

Dear Colleagues, The Buffalo Center is happy to announce the final in our series of workshops for the Spring 2021 semester: Topic:  Performance Management in the COVID EraPresenters: Tara Singer-Blumberg, NYSUT Labor Relations Specialist and UUP Buffalo Center Vice President for Professionals, Kathleen KielarDate: Wednesday, April 14th, 2021Time: Noon – 2:00 p.m. Learn more about the following topics:  Performance Programs Performance Evaluations Workload […]


Buffalo Center DSI/Salary Compression Roster

Dear Colleagues, As you are no doubt aware, the university has now distributed 2020  discretionary salary increases and salary compression adjustments to all eligible UUP – represented employees. The roster outlining who received these payments and the amount that each employee received can be found at: The roster includes separate columns reflecting the amount each individual received […]

Employment Health and Safety

Time Off for Vaccinations

Dear Colleagues, Since we have yet to hear from HR as of this time, the Buffalo Center Chapter wants to advised you that effective Monday, March 15th, the governor has approved legislation granting state employees time off to receive the COVID -19 vaccination. Here is the link: You are allowed up to 4 hours per shot (utilizing […]

Employment Uncategorized

UUP Salary Compression Intake Form

Dear Colleagues, With the anticipated inclusion of DSI/Compression salary increases in the March 17th paychecks, I wanted to remind you that UUP Central is looking for your input with regards to the negotiated compression adjustment benefit. I encourage you to use the UUP Intake Form at the link below to provide UUP Central with information or voice any […]

Contract Employment

DSI/Compression Update

Dear Colleagues, It is our understanding that the DSI/Compression salary increases are expected to be distributed with the March 17th paychecks.As was done last year, UUP Central is looking for your input with regards to the negotiated compression adjustment benefit. Please see the following from statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal. Dear UUP members, I encourage you to use the […]

Contract Employment

New Year, Same as the Old Year: 2020 2% Salary Increases Delayed Again

Dear Colleagues, Please see the following from statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal: Dear Colleagues, Sorry to have to start the New Year off with bad news, but late Thursday last week, we received notification from the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations, that the state is again delaying implementation of the 2% across the board salary increases […]

Contract Employment

Reminder: Permanent Appointment Clock Extension MOA

Dear Colleagues, UUP and SUNY signed an MOA (attached) which provided for a clock stop for professionals and academics.  We want to remind you that any professional employee who will  come up for permanent appointment in the next two years, who wished to get an automatic/guaranteed extension of their permanent appointment clock by six months, […]

Buffalo Center News Employment

Labor Day

Dear Colleagues, The Provost announced that classes will be held on Labor Day.  In past years UB has always observed Labor Day as a holiday. UUP had no contractual way to prevent this change to the calendar. So what does this mean for you? Per Article 23.5c, if you are a professional or 12 month […]

Employment Health and Safety

Employer’s Liability and COVID

Recently, members have raised concerns about the employer’s liability and Covid. The attestation form is NOT a waiver of liability, and anytime you are coming in to campus to work you are required to fill it out. The option for an employee who gets sick from work is to file a workers compensation claim. Additional […]

Employment Health and Safety Statewide News

Telecommuting Agreement Extension

Dear Colleagues, An agreement with the State to extend the Telecommuting Agreement through October 2, 2020.  UUP has updated the COVID 19 Q&A to reflect this and other developments since the last update. That updated Q&A can be found on the UUP COVID 19 Resources web page: In Solidarity, Ken Kern President, Buffalo Center Chapter […]