
Blood Drive

Dear Colleagues, Please see the following regarding an upcoming ConnectLife Blood Drive scheduled for the North Campus. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center

Benefits Event Workshop

UUP Workshop – Your Benefits

Dear Colleagues, Your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter is proud to announce the first of two scheduled workshops for the Spring 2022 semester. The Chapter will be offering a program on UUP Benefits. In addition to having your local Chapter Officers, the Chapter is also excited to have Statewide UUP Director of Member Benefits/Fund – Administrator […]

Advocacy Demonstration

UUP Rally at Buffalo State

Dear Colleagues, For those of you that were unable to attend last weeks Rally to Fund SUNY at Buffalo State, here is the video from the event: In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center


President’s Advisory Council on Race Town Halls

Dear Colleagues, Your Buffalo Center Chapter wishes to remind you of the various Town Halls scheduled for next week for the President’s Advisory Council on Race. Each Town Hall will be addressing different topics. See below for more information. In solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center President’s Advisory Council on Race: Town Halls Tuesday, March […]

Advocacy Demonstration

UUP Buffalo Center Members at WNY Rally to Fund SUNY

Dear Colleagues, A well represented contingent of your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter joined UUP President Frederick E. Kowal, Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz, Peter DeJesus of the AFL-CIO, SUNY students, and higher education advocates at SUNY Buffalo State to pressure lawmakers to fully fund public higher education and reestablish the SUNY system as a cornerstone […]

Financial Planning Webinar

2022 VOYA Zoom Webinars

Dear Colleagues, Please see following calendar of events for upcoming VOYA Zoom Webinars. If you are interested, please email Molly Pecoraro to register.  Her email is: In solidarity, Kathleen KielarVP for ProfessionalsUUP Buffalo Center We have had a request from many of you, both new employees and those employees who have been here a while, […]

Advocacy Call To Action Demonstration

WNY Rally to Fund SUNY: Updated Bus Information

Dear Colleagues, Your statewide UUP has arranged for an organized rally at the Buffalo State campus on March 1st at Noon, to request over $250 million in funding for SUNY. Please see the attached flyer. The Buffalo Center Chapter would like to have as many members as possible attend (if your schedule permits). Please note – […]

Advocacy Call To Action Demonstration

WNY Rally to Fund SUNY

Dear Colleagues, Your statewide UUP has arranged for an organized rally at the Buffalo State campus on March 1st at Noon, to request over $250 million in funding for SUNY. Please see the attached flyer. The Buffalo Center Chapter would like to have as many members as possible attend (if your schedule permits). We are […]


Free Concert – “Iron Mic” – the Parris Island Marine Rock Band

Your Buffalo Center Chapter is proud to help promote the upcoming free concert by the Paris Island Marine Corps Rock band “Iron Mic”. The Department of Music and the Office of Student Life will present “Iron Mic,” the Parris Island Marine Band’s rock band, in concert at 7 p.m. Feb. 18 in Lippes Concert Hall […]

Financial Planning Workshop

Reminder 2/11: Voya Zoom Workshop

Dear Colleagues, VOYA is offering the following course via ZOOM on Friday, February 11th  @ noon .  Lessons from the Game: What do Winning the Superbowl and Preparing a Financial Game Plan Have in Common? Are you neglecting the offense, defensive and special teams of your financial life? Every fan knows what happens if you neglect just one […]