Buffalo Center News Health and Safety

UUP Buffalo Center Provides Recommended Masks

Dear Colleagues,

The Omicron variant of COVID-19 currently circulating in Western NY shows dramatically increased transmissibility such that the cloth and surgical masks of last year are no longer highly effective protection against

Transmission:  95 style masks (N95, KN95 and KF94) provide much better protection against COVID-19 transmission.

Representatives from your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter, recently met with other Campus Governance Leaders from CSEA, Faculty Staff Senate, GSEU, Professional Staff Senate, and the UUP Buffalo Health Science Center on this issue to determine a course of action to address this issue. All governance leaders voiced that there was a significant health and business operational need to move from the cloth or surgical masks to N95, KF94, and/or KN95 Protective Masks. The Campus Governance Leaders group has sent a Resolution to the University’s President’s Office calling for UB to purchase and widely disseminate N95, KF94, and/or KN95 Protective Masks from multiple locations across all UB campuses.

In the meantime, your UUP was able to provide N95 protective masks to faculty and staff across UB’s campuses.

Last week, 3500 N95 masks were distributed. Demand was so great, that all the masks were gone within 3 hours, demonstrating that the campus community recognizes the need for these masks, and that there is a significant demand across the UB campuses.

The UUP Buffalo Center Chapter was then able to obtain 2500 additional KN95 masks for distribution. These were distributed through the Chapter’s Department Rep system. Members should check with your Department reps first to see if there are any masks available.

The Chapter is currently working on obtaining more masks for distribution some time next week. Please stay tuned for further information!

In Solidarity,

Ken Kern
Chapter President
UUP Buffalo Center