
Vacation Cap MOA – Extension

Please see the following from statewide President Mr. Fred Kowal:

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that we have reached agreement with the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations to extend the January 1, 2020 vacation accrual cap.  

As we are all aware, Article 23.2(d) of the State/UUP Agreement provides that employees who have vacation accruals in excess of 40 days at close of business on December 31, of each year of the agreement must forfeit that excess leave to bring their vacation leave credits down to 40 days on January 1.   The new agreement with GOER provides that employees who have accrued vacation credits in excess of 40 days who have been unable to use that excess vacation leave due to ongoing COVID response efforts  and will be given an additional year to close of business December 31, 2021 to exhaust that leave.  The Memorandum of Agreement is attached for your reference.

​In Solidarity,
