Buffalo Center News Membership News

7/15-7/19: Physical Office Closed

Dear Colleagues, Please be advised that the UUP Buffalo Center Chapter physical office will be closed this week: July 15-19, the virtual office is open, please call or email: 716-276-3377 or In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center

Buffalo Center News Membership News

7/1-7/5: Physical Office Closed

Dear Colleagues, Please be advised that the UUP Buffalo Center Chapter physical office will be closed next week: July 1-5, the virtual office will remain open, please call or email: 716-276-3377 or Both the physical and virtual office will be closed on Thursday, July 4th in observance of Independence Day. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter […]

Buffalo Center News Membership News

6/17-6/21: Physical Office Closed

Dear Colleagues, Please be advised that the UUP Buffalo Center Chapter physical office will be closed next week: June 17-21, the virtual office will remain open, please call or email: 716-276-3377 or Both the physical and virtual office will be closed on Wednesday, June 19th in observance of Juneteenth. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP […]

Buffalo Center News Membership News

6/3-6/7: Physical Office Closed

Dear Colleagues, Please be advised that the UUP Buffalo Center Chapter physical office will be closed next week: June 3-7, the virtual office will remain open, please call or email: 716-276-3377 or In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center

Buffalo Center News News

Chapter Office – Summer Hours

Dear Colleagues, Beginning next week, the UUP Buffalo Center Chapter physical office will be scheduled to be open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays only (9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) The office will continue to work virtually on Mondays and Fridays. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center

Buffalo Center News Membership News

UUP Service Recognition Awards

Dear Colleagues, UUP is proud to recognize and award the following Members of the Buffalo Center Chapter for their many years of Leadership and Service with UUP: Paul Zarembka – 50 yearsStacey Johnson – 43 yearsRuth Meyerowitz – 38 yearsRoosevelt Wardlaw – 34 yearsTom Tucker – 26 yearsMike Formato – 24 yearsEzra Zubrow – 24 […]

Buffalo Center News Membership

College Review Panel Election Results

Dear Colleagues, Congratulations to Jesse Meyer on here election to the Chapter’s College Review Panel. The results of the Membership vote can be found here. I encourage everyone to look at various other Leadership opportunities we have within the UUP Buffalo Center Chapter. There is a formal outreach being developed to inform everyone of all […]

Buffalo Center News Event Membership News

5/2: Chapter Picnic

Dear Colleagues, Please join your fellow Members to celebrate your union at the UUP Buffalo Center Chapter Picnic scheduled for: Thursday, May 2nd11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.The Commons Courtyard To ensure that there is enough food for everyone, we ask that you RSVP here, no later than Monday, April 29th . Members are asked to […]

Buffalo Center News Membership News Statewide News

UUPBCC Delegates Provide Strong Influence at Spring DA!

Dear Colleagues, Your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter was well represented, and provided a strong influence at the recent UUP Delegate Assembly held this past weekend. Of the 276 delegates attending, Buffalo Center was well represented by 14 of your elected delegates. Kat Kielar and Kevin Ragland both ran for positions on the UUP Statewide Executive […]

Buffalo Center News Membership News

Chung To Receive President’s Medal

Dear Colleagues, The UUP Buffalo Center Chapter is proud to announce that Deborah Chung will be receiving the President’s Medal from President Tripathi at the Engineering School’s Commencement on May 18.  Here is the link to her new talk on “My 50-year journey in science”. (36 min) Please join me in congratulating Deborah! In Solidarity, […]