
Salary Compression Guidelines Information

Dear Colleagues, Please see the following updated information on the 2020 Salary Compression from statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal: Dear Colleagues, The NYS/SUNY/UUP executive-level committee has completed the 2020 Integrated Guidelines for distribution of the 2020 0.5% salary pools to address salary compression. The committee’s work on these guidelines included exhaustive review of the 2019 results and of […]

Contract Employment

Reminder: Permanent Appointment Clock Extension MOA

Dear Colleagues, UUP and SUNY signed an MOA (attached) which provided for a clock stop for professionals and academics.  We want to remind you that any professional employee who will  come up for permanent appointment in the next two years, who wished to get an automatic/guaranteed extension of their permanent appointment clock by six months, […]

Benefits Webinar

The Joys of UUP Membership: Benefits 101 Webinar

Dear Colleagues, Please join the UUP Benefits Department on December 16th  at 12 pm or at 6 pm for a Benefits 101 Webinar. During the webinar, UUP’s Director of Member Benefits Doreen Bango will give you tips for maximizing your benefits. In the spirit of the holiday season, there will be many opportunities to win gift […]


Legislative Agenda 2021 Session

Please see the following from statewide President Mr. Fred Kowal Dear Colleagues: Our union is only as effective as the engagement of our members. Over the last year, in the most unprecedented times, our union has become more nimble, more responsive and even more effective at delivering results and solutions to the issues you’re facing […]


Vacation Cap MOA – Extension

Please see the following from statewide President Mr. Fred Kowal: Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to announce that we have reached agreement with the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations to extend the January 1, 2020 vacation accrual cap.   As we are all aware, Article 23.2(d) of the State/UUP Agreement provides that employees who have […]

Health and Safety

UUP Spring Reentry Principles

Dear Colleagues,  Please see the following from Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal: Colleagues, After months of observing the struggles that SUNY campuses encountered due to the lack of strong guidance from SUNY’s leadership prior to the start of the fall semester, and after gathering input from our chapters through chapter presidents, vice presidents, labor relations […]


HCSA/DCAA grace period/carryover from 2020

Please see the following information from Statewide UUP: Dear UUP Colleagues, We received the following information from the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations. It may provide you with some relief regarding your Health Care Spending Account or Dependent Care Advantage Account.  HCSA You will now be able to use up to $500 of monies remaining […]

Advocacy Event

NY Renews

Dear Colleagues, Please see the following message from Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal: Colleagues,  Over the past several years, UUP has been involved in the work of NY Renews — a coalition of groups and unions committed to dealing with the climate crisis. NY Renews has shared a few opportunities for UUP members to be […]

Health and Safety

Telecommuting Option Reconsideration​

Dear Colleagues, After the Thanksgiving break (Nov. 25-29), UB will transition to remote learning for the rest of the fall semester. It is also been identified that the Spring semester classes will begin on Monday, February 1st. Those members who have been reporting to campus to work, are encouraged to speak to your supervisor about the possibility of […]

Benefits Webinar Workshop

Workshop #3/3 – Your Union Benefits

Dear Colleagues, The Buffalo Center is happy to announce the third in our series of workshops for the Fall 2020 semester: Topic: Your Union Benefits – Benefits 101Presenter: Doreen Bango, UUP Statewide Director of Member Benefits/Fund AdministratorDate: Tuesday, December 8th, 2020Time: Noon – 2:00 p.m. This will be a joint workshop with our colleagues from the Buffalo Center Health Sciences Chapter, and […]