Benefits Membership News

UUP Scholarship Opportunities

Dear Colleagues, Your UUP has the following scholarship opportunities available: In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center Click here for attachments

Benefits Education Employment

Free Professional Development Opportunity

Dear Colleagues, Your NYS/UUP Joint Labor/Management Committees has established a FREE online education through the Empire Knowledgebank (EKB) learning platform. They offer many opportunities in professional writing including: – Professional Writing Skills: A Write it Well Guide – Improving Your Technical Writing Skills – Best Practices for Communicating in the Digital Age – Business Writing […]

Benefits Buffalo Center News Education Employment Membership News Statewide News

UUP Opens 2023 Scholarship Application Process

Dear Colleagues, SUNY students are invited to apply for annual scholarships of $3,000 offered by United University Professions, the union that represents academic and professional faculty at the State University of New York. The scholarship application deadline is March 1, 2023. Applications are on UUP’s website, at The UUP College Scholarship Fund awards scholarships to […]

Benefits Education Employment News Webinar Workshop

Professional Development – Certifications

Dear Colleagues, As part of the NYS/UUP Joint Labor/Management Committees, please see the attached flyer for FREE online education opportunities through the Empire Knowledgebank learning platforms. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center

Benefits Buffalo Center News Employment News Statewide News

Productivity Enhancement Program

Dear Colleagues, Open enrollment for the Productivity Enhancement Program (PEP) has started and continues through December 12!  The PEP program provides a means by which eligible employees – generally, NYSHIP enrollees who earn vacation and currently make less than $103,433 a year – may cash in previously accrued vacation days for a bi-weekly credit to […]

Benefits Buffalo Center News Health and Safety News Statewide News

NYS Flexible Spending Account Open Enrollment

Dear Colleagues, Please see the following from UUP Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal: Colleagues, It’s that time of year again!  The open enrollment period for the NYS Flexible Spending Account (FSA) for 2023 runs from November 1 through December 12, 2022.   The FSA is a negotiated benefit which provides eligible employees with the ability to […]

Benefits Buffalo Center News Contract Event Meeting Membership

Reminder: General Membership Meeting

Dear Colleagues, Your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter will be hosting a General Membership Meeting utilizing the Zoom platform. This meeting is scheduled for  Thursday, September 29thNoon – 2:00 p.m.. Please RSVP your attendance to the following link, for membership verification, and to receive your meeting invitation (which will include the details on how to join the meeting). Register here: We are also […]

Benefits Employment

Vacation Day Cap Update

Dear Colleagues, As a reminder, the vacation day cap (40 days) will be put back into place on January 1, 2023. “Any such unused excess vacation credits as of the close of business on December 31st, 2022 will be forfeited by employees.” The MOU signed between UUP and SUNY is attached. It is not expected […]

Academics Benefits Contract Professionals

IDA Update

Dear Colleagues, The UB Individual Development Award (IDA) committee received notice that the final approvals from NYS GOER will be completed this week. Award letters will be sent out soon after we get the approvals. The committee would like to express our apologies for the delays due to the added GOER approval process. In Solidarity, […]

Benefits Membership

Membership Has Its Privileges…and Many Additional Benefits for You!

Dear Colleagues, As members of the United University Professions, we tend to forget about all the various benefit opportunities offered to us through our affiliated memberships with the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT), the National Education Association (NEA), and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). Here are just some of the links to access […]