
Legislative Agenda 2021 Session

Please see the following from statewide President Mr. Fred Kowal Dear Colleagues: Our union is only as effective as the engagement of our members. Over the last year, in the most unprecedented times, our union has become more nimble, more responsive and even more effective at delivering results and solutions to the issues you’re facing […]

Advocacy Event

NY Renews

Dear Colleagues, Please see the following message from Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal: Colleagues,  Over the past several years, UUP has been involved in the work of NY Renews — a coalition of groups and unions committed to dealing with the climate crisis. NY Renews has shared a few opportunities for UUP members to be […]

Advocacy Call To Action

Virtual Rally to Reinstate the Stock Transfer Tax (11/10)

Dear Colleagues, Please see the following from Statewide President Mr. Fred Kowal: Colleagues, I’m excited to announce UUP is joining forces with New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA) to host a virtual rally to pressure the legislature to return to Albany and reinstate the New York Stock Transfer Tax. New York’s Stock Transfer Tax had […]


UUP Communication on Advocacy Efforts

Colleagues, UUP has sent an important email to your account. Many of our communications related to advocacy and union activities do not go out to your work email.  Please check your personal email account (if you don’t see an email, check your spam folder)! If we don’t have your personal email account you may not be aware of […]

Advocacy Call To Action

Call To Action

Dear Colleagues, Recently, we received notification on yet another delay to our negotiated salary increases. While we did not agree with, or accept these delays, we understand that the state’s decision is driven by the state budget crisis that has developed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  To address this crisis, it is critical […]


SUNY Black Faculty and Staff Collective Open Letter

Colleagues, Our colleagues in the SUNY Black Faculty and Staff Collective released an open letter “to draw attention to SUNY’s insufficient and ongoing lack of care and concern for Black lives within and beyond its campuses.” UUP stands with our black colleagues in support of this important effort. We encourage all members to read the […]

Advocacy Event

Mass Poor People’s Assembly & Moral March on Washington this Saturday

Dear Colleagues, Please see the following message from UUP Statewide President, Fred Kowal: Colleagues,  As we head into a reflective weekend beginning with the celebration of Juneteenth tomorrow, June 19, I want to share an important upcoming event hosted by our partners in the Poor People’s Campaign.  UUP will join the digital Mass Poor People’s […]

Advocacy Buffalo Center News Call To Action Statewide News

UUP – Fighting Racial Injustice

Dear Colleagues, This is a painful time for our country again as we grapple with the virulent and continuing threat of racism, as well as the violence that often mars legitimate mass public protest. Please see the following from our Statewide UUP President, Mr. Fred Kowal. In solidarity,Ken Kern Chapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center Letter from […]


Continued Federal Advocacy Actions

Dear Colleagues, Please see the latest information from UUP Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal. Note that there is a minor change to our Action Network letter so that non-members, family, and friends can also contact their representatives in support of New York State. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center Colleagues, Our advocacy efforts continue […]