
Walkers Needed – Parade Committee Consideration

Dear Colleagues,

Your Buffalo Center UUP is looking to put together a team of walkers for the UB Student Wellness (Counseling Services, Health Promotion and Student Health Services) first Out of the Darkness UB Campus Walk and Roll for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention on Saturday, April 13, 2024.

UB Student Wellness and our UB Walkin’ Team have participated in the AFSP Buffalo Out of the Darkness Community Walk and Roll since the inception in 2007. They have been active volunteers, walk committee members as well as walk chairs. They been honored to walk with our community every year to honor lives lost as well as create suicide prevention awareness and support. Their dedication to mental health and suicide prevention as well as support of AFSP has led them to create a Campus Walk this year. They are excited to bring the walk to our campus, and we are hoping to develop a Buffalo Center UUP Team to participate!

Here are the Walk Details:
UB Campus Walk and Roll

Richmond, Ellicott Complex (North Campus)
Saturday, April 13, 2023
Registration: 9:30 – 10:30 AM
Opening Ceremony 10:30 AM
Walk: 11:00 – 12:00 PM

Registration tent will be set up on the lawn right across the road from Counseling Services (120 Richmond Quad, Buffalo, NY 14261) entrance with walk to begin on the path to the right.

Walk Path is around the Ellicott Complex. We welcome everyone to join us at the walk. We are aware there may be individuals with limitations or physical disabilities.  Please plan to bring your own assistive devices.

If you would like to be a member of the team, please RSVP by Friday March 1st to the following link:

In addition, with the number of parades held throughout the WNY area during the summer, your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter is looking to form a “Parade Committee” to help promote the work of UUP Members throughout SUNY to the community. If you are interested in being a part of this group, please indicate that as well on the RSVP.

In Solidarity,

Ken Kern
Chapter President
UUP Buffalo Center