Call To Action News

Early Voting/Time Off

Please see the following from Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal:

Dear colleagues, 

Early in-person voting begins in New York on Saturday, October 24 and continues until November 1.  

In that spirit, I encourage you to join your fellow unionists and make your voice heard. Please cast your vote in this election. We have reached out to our out-of-state members and retirees about early and mail-in voting in their home states. Now, this week, we begin early in-person voting here in New York. 

Please click the links below to check your local County Board of Elections for your early voting polling locations.

Please note: In many places, early voting locations are different than the usual Election Day locations.  

To learn more about your rights to take time off from work to vote, please click the link below: 

Just as we have pushed SUNY and the governor on the issue of safety, we hope you will adopt the safest and easiest way to vote for you and your family. It’s your decision whether to vote early, vote by mail, or vote on Election Day. But please, exercise your right to vote! 

In Solidarity,