Everything that happens at SUNY and therefore on the Stony Brook campus is decided by the NYS legislators and the governor. Your involvement in the political process influences our elected officials. Make your voice heard. Consider joining UUP’s ADVOCACY efforts.
UUP Advocates for SUNY
Watch UUP’s ad advocating for SUNY CLICK HERE
Are you interested in making a difference? Join a small group of UUPers and visit your NYS Legislator either in Albany or at the his/her local Long Island Office.
It is imperative that we continually remind our state leaders the importance of directing NYS tax-dollars to SUNY, to support our SUNY campuses, our 4 SUNY HSCs, our 3 SUNY hospitals and our LI State Vets Home.
CONSIDER donating to VOTE/COPE our political action fund. As little as a dollar a paycheck ($26 annually) will ensure that we have the funds we need to advocate on behalf of our patients, our students, our communities, and our members. CLICK HERE to Donate to VOTE/COPE
To send letters to NYS Legislators in support of SUNY campuses, SUNY hospitals, and transparency legislation in the operation of SUNY research and other foundations CLICK HERE