Health and Safety

Letter to SUNY re: Fall Reopening Plans

Colleagues, Please see the following from Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal: Yesterday, I sent the attached letter to Chairman Tisch, Dr. Laursen and Mr. Megna at SUNY.  The letter outlines UUP’s continuing concerns regarding SUNY’s reopening plans for the Fall semester. Most notably, the absence of plans for baseline testing of students and faculty as […]

Buffalo Center News Employment

Labor Day

Dear Colleagues, The Provost announced that classes will be held on Labor Day.  In past years UB has always observed Labor Day as a holiday. UUP had no contractual way to prevent this change to the calendar. So what does this mean for you? Per Article 23.5c, if you are a professional or 12 month […]

Call To Action Health and Safety

Commit to joining a demonstration to make our voices heard!

Dear colleagues, As we collectively pursue answers to questions surrounding our health and safety, SUNY’s financial stability, and demand that SUNY hold a virtual public hearing to hear from all of us, we must also prepare to amplify our voices through our next action. SUNY employees across the state are making plans to be heard. That’s why […]

Health and Safety

Department Specific Plans

As the university begins to prepare for the fall 2020 semester, department specific plans are being developed. Each Department has to have an approved specific plan that fall in line with the established guidelines of New York State. Members are encouraged to ask to see their department’s approved plan before being asked to return to […]

Employment Health and Safety

Employer’s Liability and COVID

Recently, members have raised concerns about the employer’s liability and Covid. The attestation form is NOT a waiver of liability, and anytime you are coming in to campus to work you are required to fill it out. The option for an employee who gets sick from work is to file a workers compensation claim. Additional […]

Buffalo Center News Call To Action Health and Safety Statewide News

Sign UUP’s Petition Calling for SUNY to Convene a Virtual Public Hearing

As UUP continues to push for a reopening of campuses that is as safe as possible for all in our campus communities, it has become clear that SUNY needs to hear from all of us. Our voices and concerns must be heard by the leaders of the system, and we must be partners to ensure […]

Health and Safety

Supervisor Notification on COVID Concerns

As often stated throughout our various Chapter Meetings, communication with your immediate Supervisor should always be the very first step in establishing work related issues and concerns, in hopes of mutual agreements regarding work load and performance. This is often traditionally done through the one on one meetings you have with your immediate supervisor. The […]

Buffalo Center News Health and Safety

Survey Reminder – Final Day

Colleagues, If you have not yet done so, today is your final opportunity to complete the Buffalo Center Chapter’s survey regarding your individual concerns about the campus reopening.  ​This survey takes about 10-12 minutes to complete. Here is the link to the survey: In Solidarity, Ken KernPresident, Buffalo Center Chapter UUP520 Lee EntranceUB Commons, Suite 108Amherst, NY 14228(716) 276-3377


SUNY Black Faculty and Staff Collective Open Letter

Colleagues, Our colleagues in the SUNY Black Faculty and Staff Collective released an open letter “to draw attention to SUNY’s insufficient and ongoing lack of care and concern for Black lives within and beyond its campuses.” UUP stands with our black colleagues in support of this important effort. We encourage all members to read the […]

Buffalo Center News Health and Safety

Chapter Health and Safety Committee

Dear Colleagues,  The most important concern of UUP is the health and safety of our members.  I am pleased to announce that the Buffalo Center UUP has reestablished the Chapter’s Health and Safety Committee to help with your concerns and questions regarding working on campus. You can find the list of members, their departments, and […]