Dear Colleagues, Please see the following from statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal: Dear Colleagues, Sorry to have to start the New Year off with bad news, but late Thursday last week, we received notification from the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations, that the state is again delaying implementation of the 2% across the board salary increases […]
Category: Employment
Dear Colleagues, UUP and SUNY signed an MOA (attached) which provided for a clock stop for professionals and academics. We want to remind you that any professional employee who will come up for permanent appointment in the next two years, who wished to get an automatic/guaranteed extension of their permanent appointment clock by six months, […]
Labor Day
Dear Colleagues, The Provost announced that classes will be held on Labor Day. In past years UB has always observed Labor Day as a holiday. UUP had no contractual way to prevent this change to the calendar. So what does this mean for you? Per Article 23.5c, if you are a professional or 12 month […]
Recently, members have raised concerns about the employer’s liability and Covid. The attestation form is NOT a waiver of liability, and anytime you are coming in to campus to work you are required to fill it out. The option for an employee who gets sick from work is to file a workers compensation claim. Additional […]
Dear Colleagues, An agreement with the State to extend the Telecommuting Agreement through October 2, 2020. UUP has updated the COVID 19 Q&A to reflect this and other developments since the last update. That updated Q&A can be found on the UUP COVID 19 Resources web page: In Solidarity, Ken Kern President, Buffalo Center Chapter […]
Holiday Leave
Dear Colleagues, Please see the following from UUP Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal, regarding a recent agreement between UUP and the State extending the 2019 Memorial Day and Independence Day Holiday Comp Time extension until December 31st, 2020. In Solidarity,Ken KernChapter President Holiday Leave Memo of Agreement Dear Colleagues, As we continue to deal with […]
Colleagues, Late yesterday, the Governor extended his order that non-essential employees work from home through May 28th. The new order does modify his earlier order to permit public employers to reopen those activities that are consistent with the reopening phase in their region. What this means is that nearly all of our bargaining unit members […]
Updated UUP COVID-19 Q & A
Attached is the latest informational Q & A from UUP as of May 7, 2020. Please note:The telecommuting agreement had been extended by agreement with SUNY through close of business July 17, 2020. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center
UUP Job Security Rights Q&A
Dear Colleagues, Please see this important message from UUP Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal: As promised, we are working to provide members with as much information as possible regarding rights and protections during the Coronavirus Crisis. Attached is UUP’s latest Q&A which answers questions regarding members’ job security rights. It’s a long document, but the […]
As a member of UUP, you are also a member of the American Teachers Federation (AFT). Our affiliate, AFT is holding the following webinar Friday, May 1st. Adjunct and graduate assistant employment is precarious in the best of times. As the COVID 19 health crisis continues, both academic and nonacademic jobs for AFT members are […]