Health and Safety Membership Statewide News

UUP Press Release – More testing needed to reopen SUNY campuses

Colleagues, Please see the following Press Release from our Statewide President Fred Kowal. On this particular release, UUP tried to emphasise the lack of leadership from SUNY Administration. UUP prefers that the Governor be more direct in order SUNY to lead, and not prefer to have the Governor controlling SUNY that directly. Leadership must come […]

Event Membership

Buffalo Center Chapter – Virtual Happy Hour

Dear Colleagues, Just because we are social distancing doesn’t mean we have to drink alone. Join your fellow UUP members for cocktails and conversation. Bring your favorite beverage and join us, Friday, June 26th – 5:00 p.m. Ken Kern is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Topic: Buffalo Center Chapter – Virtual Happy HourTime: Jun […]

Advocacy Event

Mass Poor People’s Assembly & Moral March on Washington this Saturday

Dear Colleagues, Please see the following message from UUP Statewide President, Fred Kowal: Colleagues,  As we head into a reflective weekend beginning with the celebration of Juneteenth tomorrow, June 19, I want to share an important upcoming event hosted by our partners in the Poor People’s Campaign.  UUP will join the digital Mass Poor People’s […]

Employment Health and Safety Statewide News

Telecommuting Agreement Extension

Dear Colleagues, An agreement with the State to extend the Telecommuting Agreement through October 2, 2020.  UUP has updated the COVID 19 Q&A to reflect this and other developments since the last update. That updated Q&A can be found on the UUP COVID 19 Resources web page: In Solidarity, Ken Kern President, Buffalo Center Chapter […]

Buffalo Center News Membership

Updated Webpage and Social Media

Colleagues, Thank you for being a member of the UUP Family!  The Buffalo Center Chapter of United University Professions represents all UB faculty and professional staff outside of the Health Sciences. Formed in 1973, UUP provides a collective voice for the improvement of terms and conditions of employment, advocacy for SUNY funding and to provide […]

Academics Health and Safety Webinar

UUP Statewide Webinar for Academic Dept. Chairs

Dear Department Chairs, UUP invites you to attend a webinar to discuss issues confronting academic department chairs, including those pertaining to campus reopening in the COVID-19 context. The webinar will take place on June 25th at 1 pm. Instructions for joining are attached. At the start of the webinar UUP President Fred Kowal and Vice President for […]

Event Meeting Membership

Virtual Office Hour – New Link

Colleagues, Please note the new link for the Monday morning Virtual Office Hour. Ken Kern is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Buffalo Center – Virtual Office HourTime: This is a recurring meeting Meet Mondays at 10:00 a.m. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 891 8937 2209Password: 5AGUwv Join by Join by […]

Health and Safety Membership Webinar

UUP webinar for Student Health Centers and Counseling Services

Dear Colleagues, Please see the following from Statewide Secretary/Treasurer Jeri O’Bryan-Losee: In solidarity,Ken Kern Chapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center Hello, Recently UUP released a Reopening Resource Guide to help campus chapters have conversations with management regarding the reopening of campuses.  Members from Student Health Centers and Counseling Services, have a unique position to be a part […]


Virtual Office Hour Reminder

Dear Colleagues, Just a reminder that in our continuing efforts to be available to you, I have set up a “Virtual Office Hour”. I will be available at this virtual office on Mondays during the months of June and July, beginning at 10:00 a.m. Here is the link if you would like to stop by: […]

Health and Safety Meeting Membership

UUP Buffalo Center Membership Meeting

Colleagues, Your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter will be hosting a General Membership Meeting utilizing the Zoom platform. This meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 24th from Noon – 2:00 p.m. Please RSVP your attendance to the following link, for membership verification, and to receive your meeting invitation (which will include the details on how to […]