Dear Colleagues, The following is the latest information we have with regards to the 2020 Discretionary Salary Increase (Non-Compression) process. As of this time, there has been no discussion of any postponement of this negotiated benefit. While the distributions of these funds are subject to the administrations discretion, members may nominate themselves for consideration into a portion […]
Author: Kristen
UUP Communication on Advocacy Efforts
Colleagues, UUP has sent an important email to your account. Many of our communications related to advocacy and union activities do not go out to your work email. Please check your personal email account (if you don’t see an email, check your spam folder)! If we don’t have your personal email account you may not be aware of […]
Please see the following from Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal: Colleagues, First, the good news. I have just received word that the telecommuting agreement that all statewide public sector unions negotiated with the State of New York back at the start of the COVID emergency has been extended through the end of December, 2020. This […]
Dear Colleagues,Please see the following from Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal: Colleagues, With only 35 days until Election Day, it is more important than ever to mobilize our members and our coalition partners to elect strong candidates that fight for public higher education and healthcare and to prepare for the challenging times ahead. UUP has […]
Call To Action
Dear Colleagues, Recently, we received notification on yet another delay to our negotiated salary increases. While we did not agree with, or accept these delays, we understand that the state’s decision is driven by the state budget crisis that has developed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. To address this crisis, it is critical […]
Dear Colleagues: The NYS/UUP Joint Labor management Council is offering free Professional Development Opportunities through online eLearning . Courses on subjects ranging from: writing, communication, dealing with difficult people, supervisory skills, Microsoft Products, project management and more are being offered through the Empire Knowledgebank (EKB) eLearning Program. Please see the attached flyer for more information. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center
Pay Raise Delayed Again
Please see the following from UUP Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal. Dear Colleagues, This weekend we received notification from the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations (GOER) that the state is delaying implementation of our 2020 2% across-the-board salary increases for at least another 90 days. The earliest these raises could be paid is January 1, 2021. […]
Dear Colleagues, Yesterday during the General Membership Meeting, it was mentioned that the university had suspended pool testing for our members until such time as issues involving the registration process were resolved. It was also mentioned that changes regarding COVID are sometimes being made by the minute. Yesterday, this was proven. Soon after the General membership Meeting, […]
Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to announce the first workshop of the Fall semester for members of the UUP Buffalo Center. Topic: Retirement WorkshopSpeaker: Walter Apple – UUP Retiree Members Service Coordinator Date: Tuesday, September 29thTime: Noon – 2 Please RSVP to the following link by Friday, September 25th: Once your membership is confirmed, the link […]
Dear Colleagues, I was selected as an individual by the university to complete the COVID Testing procedure, and completed it this morning. I would like to share the following additional clarifications with you, should you be selected: The registration form (based out of Syracuse), has additional required information on it including your Health Insurance Information. […]