Dear Colleagues, Just a reminder about the following opportunity from VOYA: Friday February 5th 12:00 – Lessons from The Game: A do-it now Game Plan to get your Financial Life back on track. Please email to register and get your ZOOM ID Are You Neglecting The Offensive, Defense & Special Teams of Your Financial Life, if so… Isn’t it […]
Author: Kristen
UUP Higher Education Lobby Day
Please see the following information from statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal: Dear Colleagues: UUP is excited to share an opportunity for you to be involved, share your voice, and be part of the movement to support our aggressive legislative agenda. One of the most important and substantive ways to do this is through legislative advocacy. With […]
Dear Colleagues, Please be aware that Harriman Hall is housing a State run Vaccination Site while also keeping the Harriman Café open. Members with COVID concerns may wish to avoid using the Harriman Café due to its close proximity to the vaccination site which could be crowded. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center
Please see the following from Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal: Dear Colleagues, We are at a pivotal moment for our country, our state, our union and our institutions. The need for funding from both the federal government and revenue raisers at the state level is critical. Now is the time for us to continue the […]
UUP joins the ESCCC
Dear Colleagues, UUP has joined the Empire State Campaign for Child Care. The ESCCC is a grassroots movement dedicated to universal and equitable access to quality, affordable childcare. As a partner in this campaign, UUP will be working with other coalition partners, including providers, parents, employers, educators and advocates. I encourage all UUP members to learn more and […]
Dear Colleagues, Please join the UUP Benefits Department on February 10 at 12 pm or at 6 pm for a special “I Love my Union Benefits” themed Benefits 101 Webinar. During the webinar, UUP’s Director of Member Benefits Doreen Bango will give you tips for maximizing your benefits. To acknowledge the hard work and dedication of members, […]
Dear Colleagues, In follow up to the information developed and sent in August of 2020 for the Fall 2020 semester; the Buffalo Center Chapter, in partnership with the Chapter’s Health and Safety Committee, has developed the attached Q&A to address your COVID related concerns and issues with regards to the upcoming Spring 2021 semester. If at any time […]
Dear Colleagues, Elected delegates of your Buffalo Center Chapter attended the Delegate Assembly this past Friday and Saturday. The following is a summary of that event including topics discussed, Legislative Advocacy Plans and resolutions passed. Remember that you can also run to become a Delegate at the upcoming Chapter elections. In the face of great uncertainty about […]
NYSUT Student Debt Clinics
Dear Colleagues, This is a friendly reminder that NYSUT is continuing to offer Student Debt Clinics to our members. Below are the clinics that are currently open for registration: Tuesday, February 9, 4:30 – 6:00 p.m.Thursday, February 25, 6:00-7:30 p.m.Tuesday, March 9, 4:30 – 6:00 p.m.Thursday, March 18, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.Tuesday, April 13, 4:30 […]
Dear Colleagues, As part of the most recent Delegate Assembly, the following State and Federal Legislative Agendas were released. Please find attached UUP’s 2021 State and Federal Legislative Agenda documents. We hope you will join us in advocating for the future of our campuses, our communities, and our state. If you wish to become active, […]