Buffalo Center News Event News

Labor Day Parade 2021

Dear Colleagues, The Buffalo Center UUP will be participating in this year’s Labor Day Parade and you, and your family are invited. Please see the following information from Danielle Judge-Freeman: 2021 LABOR DAY EVENTS: On Labor Day, Monday, September 6, 2021, working people across the country will be taking the day off and celebrating the achievements […]

Academics Work Load

Faculty Workload Inquiry

Dear Faculty: The UUP would like to know if you have experienced an increased or unreasonable workload. The recent and ongoing Covid pandemic has encouraged an enormous shift to online teaching for virtually every faculty member. As of this writing, the University is planning on an “in person” semester for the Fall, and a return […]

Buffalo Center News Membership

Department Reps Needed

Dear Colleagues, The UUP Buffalo Center Chapter is entering the new Academic Year with a renewed sense of awareness and purpose. A newly elected and very active set of Officers and Chapter Board Members will add support to the members of our already excellent Department Rep Program. I would like to invite you to join […]

Contract Employment Membership

Call for Donated Time

Dear Colleagues, We have a member in need of donated time. If you are able to donate vacation days, please do so by visiting the following link: Please note*  The intended recipient information can be left blank. Thank you. In Solidarity, Ken Kern Chapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center

Contract Financial Planning Membership

Retroactive Salary Overpayment

Dear Colleagues, The Office of the State Comptroller Payroll Services has made a payroll processing error effecting approximately 21,000 UUP represented employees. These individuals received small overpayments in their August 4 paychecks.  Below is the (somewhat edited) written explanation UUP has now received from OSC explaining what happen and how they are remedying it.   […]

Event Membership

Reminder Tomorrow: Buffalo Center “Gets The Ball Rolling”

Dear Colleagues, Are you on the north campus, and need a break from work during the summer? Want to get outside and enjoy the weather?  UUP Buffalo Center members may hang out with fellow colleagues for some fun and games, as we will meet in the field near the Boat Dock (between the Center for the Arts, Student Union, and the […]

Buffalo Center News Meeting Membership Workshop

9/21: Save the Date – UUP Buffalo Center Welcome Back Meeting

SAVE THE DATE UUP Buffalo Center ChapterWelcome Back Meeting(with your UUP Statewide Officers) Tuesday, September 21st, 202111:30 am – 1:30 pmStudent Union Theater Agenda to follow

Health and Safety Membership News Statewide News

UUP Statement on SUNY Telecommuting Policy

Dear Colleagues, As you might expect, between the vaccination discussions going on with SUNY and the incredible report issued by the Attorney General, it’s been a crazy day. However, I wanted to get this information out to you — as late as it may be. After very hectic negotiations, I am pleased to report that […]

Health and Safety Membership News

SUNY Telecommuting Policy

Dear Colleagues, Your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter has obtained a copy of the SUNY Telecommuting Policy (dated August 2nd, 2021) which was referred to by the university in an e-mail from Mark Coldren’s office earlier today. You can view it here . The UUP Buffalo Center Chapter is looking forward to the university’s development of “…all of […]

Health and Safety

Statement on Governor’s Mandatory Vaccination Announcement for State Employees

Dear Colleagues, The governor’s announcement last week regarding mandating vaccines for state employees changes nothing for our members at the UUP Buffalo Center Chapter. UUP and SUNY negotiated a new COVID testing agreement that went into effect on July 1, 2021.  It stipulates (in part) that those who show proof of vaccination will be exempt […]