Buffalo Center News Membership News Professionals

In Appreciation – Moriah Hegmann – Chapter Grievance Officer for Professionals

Dear Colleagues, It saddens the UUP Buffalo Center Chapter to announce that Moriah Hegmann will be stepping down from her Chapter position as the Grievance Officer for Professionals. Moriah has been the Chapter’s Grievance Officer for Professional for the past 8 plus years, has interacted, and touched the lives of hundreds of members over the […]

Buffalo Center News Event Membership News

Reminder – 2022 Veterans Day Ceremony

Dear Colleagues: With our hearts filled with gratitude, the UUP Buffalo Center Chapter thanks all the brave men and women who are in the military, so that we can have a better life and a country to call home. We not only thank our UUP Members who are Veterans for their courage, dedication, and hard […]

Buffalo Center News Contract Membership News Statewide News

New Negotiations Bulletin

Please see the following from Statewide President, Fred Kowal: Dear Colleagues, The latest Negotiations Bulletin is now available on the Members’ Only website, as is a video recording from our recent Town Hall contract sessions. The November bulletin provides an overview of proposals presented by both UUP and the State during our most recent bargaining session.  UUP presented a […]

Buffalo Center News Financial Planning Membership News

Reminder – VOYA Workshop: How Will you Respond to this Bear Market?

Dear Colleagues, Please see the following opportunity from VOYA: How will you respond to this Bear Market –Tuesday November 15th 12:00 pm – 1:00 pmChapter Office (UB Commons, Suite 108)Lunch will be provided RSVP to Molly Pecoraro at: or 716-626-3928 How are you managing Bear Market Anxiety? Are you wondering if you can still retire […]

Academics Employment Membership Professionals

University Policy Review

Dear Colleagues, Attached are two university policies currently under review through the University Policy Committee. Members are asked to review these and send any comments to by Wednesday, November 9th. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center Ethics PolicyNaming Policy and Attachments


Release Time for Voting

Dear Colleagues, New York State Election Law § 3-110 allows employees time to vote. This law sets the requirements and instructions for those employees wishing to have time off to vote. Wording from that law can be found at: In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center

Benefits Buffalo Center News Employment News Statewide News

Productivity Enhancement Program

Dear Colleagues, Open enrollment for the Productivity Enhancement Program (PEP) has started and continues through December 12!  The PEP program provides a means by which eligible employees – generally, NYSHIP enrollees who earn vacation and currently make less than $103,433 a year – may cash in previously accrued vacation days for a bi-weekly credit to […]

Academics Buffalo Center News News

Chung Leads List of Outstanding Academic Members

Dear Colleagues, Recently, the 2022 Stanford University study was released and the following UUP Buffalo Center Chapter Members were ranked among all UB researchers (living/deceased, across all disciplines). Lead by Deborah Chung who was ranked #1, the following is the list of UUP Members and their respective rankings: 1. Deborah Chung (Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering) 5. […]

Buffalo Center News Event Membership News

2022 Veterans Day Ceremony

Dear Colleagues, On the 11th hour…of the 11th day…of the 11th month…the fighting of World War I ended in 1918. Due to the conclusion of “the War to end all Wars,” November 11th became a universally recognized day of celebration. The day was originally declared “Armistice Day” 8 years after the end of World War […]

Buffalo Center News Contract Employment Membership News Statewide News

Vacation Cap Extension

Dear Colleagues, Please see the following from Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal: Dear Colleagues, I am extremely pleased to inform you that the NYS Office of Employee Relations has again agreed to suspend the January 1 40-day vacation credit cap contained in Article 23.2(d) of the 2016-2022 State/UUP Agreement.   As you will recall, two similar […]