Chapter Committees & Committee Chairs


Affirmative Action-Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Officer – Tricia Canty
9.2.1 Affirmative Action Committee: The Affirmative Action Committee shall assist the Affirmative Action Officer in monitoring campus Affirmative Action programs and policies, and shall recommend actions designed to implement and enforce Affirmative Action goals.

Outreach/Political Action VOTE Cope
Officer – Ryan Taughrin
9.2.2 Outreach Committee: The Outreach Committee shall assist the Outreach Chairperson in planning and coordinating activities that inform legislators of Chapter and UUP needs,  and educate the Chapter membership about legislation of interest to UUP. It shall coordinate activities with the statewide UUP Outreach Committee and coordinate the annual Vote/Cope campaign.

Membership Committee
Officer – Domenic Licata
9.2.3 Membership Committee: The Membership Committee shall assist the Membership Chairperson in recruiting new members; organizing membership drives; maintaining up-to-date lists of members; and disseminating literature to the membership.

Works closely with the Officers, Department Reps., and Officer of Contingents

Committee Members
Domenic Licata
Jessica LaBella
Kathleen Kielar
Walter Hakala
Wei Loon Leong
Abigail Cooke
Hope Dunbar

Contingent Concerns
Officer – Grady Gambrel

9.2.4 Contingent Concerns Committee: The Contingent Concerns Committee shall assist the Officer for Contingents to encourage and promote membership and activity of part-timers, and shall make recommendations with regard to organizational structures wherein contingents work.

Committee Members

Zia Ahmed
Gohar Azeem
Elisabeth Beccue
David Benjamin
Zachary Carr
Cari Casteel
Craig Centrie
Joshua Coene
Denise Krause
Namsook Kim
Scott Ptak

Safety & Health Committee
Chair – Don Erb

9.2.5 Safety and Health Committee: The Safety and Health Committee shall assist the Safety and Health Chairperson to identify and review safety related issues affecting employees and shall recommend plans for the correction of such matters.

Committee Members
Don Erb – Chair
Ken Kern
Domenic Licata
Terry Patterson
Anthony Casciano
Lynette Deponceau
Kathleen Kielar
Eric Comins
Robert Falgiano
Rick Haug
Tom Burke
Janiece Jankowski

Women’s Rights & Concerns
Chair – Vacant

9.2.6 Women’s Rights and Concerns Committee: The Women’s Rights and Concerns Committee shall report to the President, the Chapter Board, and the Delegate Assembly with respect to fair and equal treatment of women, their issues and concerns, and shall work to assure that fairness and equity for women, their issues and concerns are manifested on local campuses and are reflected in activities and policies of UUP and its affiliates.

Works with Affirmative Action Committee.

Committee Members
Holly Justice

Opportunity Programs
Chair – Shirley Bennett

9.2.7 Opportunity Programs Committee: The Opportunity Programs Committee shall focus on identifying and investigating issues related to the EOP and EOC programs in SUNY.


Bylaws Committee:
Kathleen Kielar – Chair
Janiece Jankowski
Vincent Harzewski
Don Erb

Communications Committee:
Chair – Joseph Didomizio
Members assist with the Chapter’s communications strategies that can help link our work, communications, and events together to inform and educate our members using a variety of technology and social platforms (newsletter, webpage, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

Committee Members
Joseph Didomizio
Domenic Licata
Timothy Matthews
Kathleen Kielar
Nadejda Petrova
Janet Schrum
Olga Crombie

Veterans Committee:
Chair Dan Ryan
Members of this committee will work on identifying members who are veterans. Members will address veterans concerns and issues as well as promote and participate in various events.

Campus Professional Development Committee


Individual Development Awards (IDA)

IDAs are designed to support a variety of professional development projects or activities, assisting eligible employees in developing their full professional potential and to prepare for advancement. Campus Professional Development Committees, comprised of chapter UUP members and management representatives, are formed to review applications and award funding. Funding is available to full- and part-time bargaining unit members. Learn more about it on the IDA webpage.

College Review Panel

Per Appendix A 28 of the contract:
(1) review applications for promotions of the type defined in Section II, Paragraph C(2) and make decisions and recommendations with respect to such applications in accordance with appropriate provisions of Paragraph E(2); and
(2) review applications for salary increases resulting from a permanent and significant increase in duties and responsibilities which are not accompanied by a change in title or rank.

Pamela Stephens-Jackson – Co-Chair
Cheri Weber – Co-Chair
Don Erb
Tricia Canty
Lynette Deponceau
Michael Doggendorf
Jesse Meyer

Updated 4/24/2024

Campus Committee on Professional Evaluations

Gwen Applebaum – (appointed by the university)
Sandy Flash – (appointed by the university)
Melinda Saran –
Daniel Ryan –
Laurie Bragg –

Updated on 4/3/24