Benefits Event Meeting

Reminder: Aflac/Colonial Life Benefit Rep. Visits

Dear Colleagues, Your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter will be having a representative from Aflac/Colonial Life available for individual sessions to discuss their variety of benefits offered to UUP Members. Members interested in meeting with the representative may schedule a 20-minute session between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on the following dates: Thursday 2/27Thursday 3/13Thursday 4/10 Meetings […]

Event Membership

2/27: Happy Hour

Dear Colleagues, The UUP Buffalo Center Chapter would like to invite all members and any university UUP associated employee to a Happy Hour scheduled for Thursday, February 27th4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.UUP Buffalo Center Chapter OfficeThe Commons – Suite 108Please RSVP here, no later than Wednesday, February 26th Looking forward to seeing you then! In Solidarity, […]

Academics Employment Event Meeting

Reminder: Workshop – Academic Rights and Responsibilities

Dear Colleagues, While Article 19 of your contract applies to all UUP dues-paying members and protects your Disciplinary Rights, your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter wants to remind Faculty of their Academic Rights, including those under the Contract and under State and Federal Laws.  We will also discuss privacy concerns in the workplace and applicable policies […]

Event Membership

Happy Hour

Dear Colleagues, The UUP Buffalo Center Chapter would like to invite all Members and any university UUP associated employee to a Happy Hour scheduled for Thursday, November 21st4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.UUP Buffalo Center Chapter OfficeThe Commons – Suite 108Please RSVP here, no later than Wednesday, November 20th Looking forward to seeing you then! In […]

Event Membership

Happy Hour

Dear Colleagues, The UUP Buffalo Center Chapter would like to invite all Members and any university UUP associated employee to a Happy Hour scheduled for Thursday, November 7th4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.UUP Buffalo Center Chapter OfficeThe Commons – Suite 108Please RSVP here, no later than Wednesday, November 6th Looking forward to seeing you then! In […]

Financial Planning Webinar

11/1 & 11/8: Voya Webinars Cancelled

Dear Colleagues, Please be advised that the following Voya webinars have been cancelled: Friday, November 1st – College PlanningFriday, November 8th – Healthcare in Retirement There is still space available for: This Friday, October 25th – Retirement Goals Over 40& Friday, November 15th – Foundations of Financial Wellness RSVP to Molly Pecoraro at:  In […]

Event Membership

Happy Hour

Dear Colleagues, The UUP Buffalo Center Chapter would like to invite all Members and any university UUP associated employee to a Happy Hour scheduled for Thursday, October 10th4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.UUP Buffalo Center Chapter OfficeThe Commons – Suite 108 Please RSVP here, no later than Wednesday, October 9th Looking forward to seeing you then! […]

Event Financial Planning Membership Webinar

Voya Webinar Series

Dear Colleagues, Your UUP benefit with VOYA is excited to announce the following series of webinars. There will be two sessions on each date: 10:00 – 11:00 am & 12:00 – 1:00 pm. 9/13 – Building a Budget9/20 – Investing 1019/27 – Investing 20110/4 – Estate Planning10/11 – Nearing Retirement10/18 – Make the Most of […]

Event Meeting Membership

Reminder: General Membership Meeting

Dear Colleagues, Your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter will be hosting a General Membership Meeting utilizing the Zoom platform.  This meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10th, 12:00 Noon – 2:00 pm. The Agenda for this meeting can be found here An important part of this meeting will be the General Membership VOTE on Proposed By-Laws for the UUP […]

Buffalo Center News Event Membership News

5/2: Chapter Picnic

Dear Colleagues, Please join your fellow Members to celebrate your union at the UUP Buffalo Center Chapter Picnic scheduled for: Thursday, May 2nd11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.The Commons Courtyard To ensure that there is enough food for everyone, we ask that you RSVP here, no later than Monday, April 29th . Members are asked to […]