Event Meeting Membership

Reminder: General Membership Meeting

Dear Colleagues,

Your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter will be hosting a General Membership Meeting utilizing the Zoom platform.  This meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10th, 12:00 Noon – 2:00 pm.

The Agenda for this meeting can be found here

An important part of this meeting will be the General Membership VOTE on Proposed By-Laws for the UUP Buffalo Center Chapter.

Your current Chapter By-Laws can be found here.

The proposed changes to the By-Laws can be found here.

Please be aware of the following:

  1. You will note that the Chapter Board approved justifications to the specific changes can be found in the far left column of the document.
  2. The majority of changes made reflect the need to align current Chapter By-Laws to the newly revised UUP Central Chapter By-Law template.
  3. In accordance with our current Chapter By-Laws, these proposed changes were developed through an Ad Hoc Chapter By-Law Committee, reviewed and discussed by the Chapter Board on 2 separate readings, and have been formally approved by the Chapter Board as part of the June 12th, 2024 UUP Buffalo Center Chapter Board Meeting.

In an effort to keep the Discussion phase of the Meeting to a minimum, please forward any questions or requested clarifications to

Please submit any other questions you may have in advance and RSVP your attendance (By Friday, September 6th) to the following link, for membership verification, and to receive your meeting invitation (which will include the details on how to join the meeting).

Register here

In Solidarity,

Ken Kern
Chapter President
UUP Buffalo Center