Dear Colleagues,
Please join me in extending best wishes to long time UUP Buffalo Center advocate Mike Formato who is retiring from the university!
Mike has been an esteemed member for 29 years, and he will be greatly missed by students and colleagues alike. Mike held the position of Production Manager for the University at Buffalo’s Department of Theatre and Dance. He had previously performed in dozens of theatrical roles and has television and film credits. However, most of his experience is backstage where he has held many positions. Just prior to coming to UB he was the production manager for Rich Products Entertainment Group producing projects such as “Curtain Up” and special events for the Buffalo Bisons Baseball team. Mike has also been dedicated to Cradle Beach Camp, a summer camp for physically, developmentally, financially, and socially disadvantaged kids for several decades.
Since 1996, Mike has been involved with UUP’s Political Outreach Committee. Initially a somewhat quiet contributor and, eventually, he would often become the main voice advocating for Higher Education in both local and Albany offices of politicians from Western New York. Whether it was walks, phone banks, rallies, fundraisers, office visits both with UUP and NYSUT; his commitment has always been firmly focused on his belief in the equity of quality and accessible public education.
Mike is a strong believer in Unionism and Solidarity whether it be with teachers in Wisconsin or young Unionists at Starbucks. As a teacher, he is particularly proud of his former student, Michelle Eisen, who began the union movement at Starbucks.
Mike will be sorely missed and impossible to replace.
Please join me in congratulating and wishing Mike well as he starts a new chapter in his interesting life!
In Solidarity,
Ken Kern
Chapter President
UUP Buffalo Center