Buffalo Center News Health and Safety

N95 masks Available in the UUP Office for Departments/Areas

UUP Central has sent our chapter 3500 N95 masks for distribution to our members.  In an effort to get these out to you all, we’re asking for your assistance.    The masks are not individually wrapped and come in boxes of 20.   As such, it becomes difficult to distribute 1 or 2 masks per person.  Our preference is to distribute boxes to  areas and/or departments starting next week (Monday – Thursday, 9 AM – 3 PM.).    If you have a small office (less than 5), we are asking that you split the box with a nearby office (it may or may not be in your department).   If you have a really large office, more than one box will be provided.  

We have two distribution points:

North Campus

  1. UUP Buffalo Center Office – 520 Lee Entrance, UB Commons, Suite 108  (Located behind Starbucks Coffee)

South Campus (400 masks available) – Please send an email to Don Erb at to ensure that he is in the office when  you want to pick them up.   Thank you Don for stepping up!  We appreciate your leadership!!

  1. 1 Diefendorf Hall

Thank you for your efforts in keeping our campus safe from this virus!!

In Solidarity,

Kathleen Kielar
VP for Professionals
UUP Buffalo Center