Contract Statewide News

Delayed Pay Raises Update

Please see the following information from statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal:


As promised, I am sharing the information we received late yesterday from the Office of the State Comptroller regarding our long-delayed negotiated 2020 salary increases, and those raises we are due for this year. The dates we will receive the money we are owed by the State of New York are as follows:

1.    Those who are due 2020 raises will receive that increase and retroactive payments in paychecks dated August 4, 2021.

2.    Raises that we are due for this year will be paid as scheduled: 12-month employees whose increases are effective in July will see the 2021 increase in paychecks dated August 18, 2021.

3.    Those who are 10-month/academic year employees whose increases are effective in September will see the 2021 increase in checks dated September 15, 2021 or September 29, 2021.

4.    Adjunct faculty will see the 2021 increase in their first check after they return to obligation.

In Solidarity,
