Financial Planning Uncategorized Workshop

Upcoming VOYA Workshops

Please email to register. 

Make sure to specify the workshop(s) you are registering for.  A ZOOM ID will be provided upon registration.

Visualize Retirement

When it comes to retirement do you know where you are going? Do you have a plan? As the old saying goes, “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” Sure, you’ve probably been planning for retirement for many years. And all that time, you’ve probably been focusing on saving. But even though you’ve saved, how much have you really planned? If you haven’t started visualizing your retirement, what are you waiting for?

Friday January 8th  – 12:00

What is Your Return on Life?

Are you getting the best Return on Life possible with the money you have? Are you using your money in ways that improve your life? Find out the 3 questions you must answer before deciding to retire. Join our ZOOM webinar and discover how our interactive Return on Life Website will keep your Life at the Center of the Planning Process.

Friday January 15th  – 12:00

The Digital Financial Wellness Experience

Financial wellness is about the healthy balance between living for today while preparing financially for tomorrow. It’s not necessarily about being wealthy; it’s about achieving a state of mental well-being where one feels they have control over their current finances, is prepared for the unexpected and has confidence in their financial decisions and their future.

Friday January 22nd – 12:00  

Please click the link above and then click on 

“Take Assessment” make sure to access the “Budget Calculator” and “My Retirement Overview” prior to this webinar to come prepared with questions!