Contract Employment

New Year, Same as the Old Year: 2020 2% Salary Increases Delayed Again

Dear Colleagues,

Please see the following from statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal:

Dear Colleagues,

Sorry to have to start the New Year off with bad news, but late Thursday last week, we received notification from the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations, that the state is again delaying implementation of the 2% across the board salary increases that were due to our members  on July 1 or Sept 1, 2020  (depending on obligation).  At this time, the state has indicated that this delay will extend through the end of March, 2021.  Once again, the state has indicated that this is a delay in payment, not a cancellation of the 2020 2% increase. This delay of the July 1/Sept 1 2% increase also mirrors an additional delay of the 2% increases that were due to other state employees beginning April 1. 2020.

As we know, the July1/Sept.1 2% increase is contractually provided for in the 2016-2022 State/UUP Agreement.  After GOER notified us of the initial delay in payment in June, UUP filed class action grievances covering the delayed raises and related delays in minimum salary increases, including minimum salaries for adjuncts, scheduled to take effect in 2020. UUP also filed an Improper Practice with the NYS Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) on behalf of residents working in facilities associated with SUNY’s academic medical centers. Given the repeated delays in implementing our negotiated raises, we are continuing to pursue all appropriate avenues for enforcing our contract and protecting our terms and conditions of employment.

While we did not agree with, or accept the state’s decision, we understand that the decision is driven by the state budget crisis that has developed as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic.  

​In Solidarity,
