REMINDER: Deadline is May 31st
Dear Colleagues,
HR has set a deadline of May 31, 2019 for self nominations for DSI. They want to be sure supervisors have time to read and consider self-nominations. This applies to all members of the Buffalo Center Chapter- professionals and faculty.
Chris Putrino, the Director of Employee Relations has advised the chapter that DSI is solely at the discretion of the University and University leadership has not specified criteria for employee self-nominations or supervisory recommendations.
The University is not formally sponsoring an employee self-nomination process. The administration does not encourage (nor discourage) employees to self-nominate and
employees who decide to not self-nominate will be considered for DSI as well as those who opt to. The University offers no guidance on the content or format for any self-nomination. It is entirely at the option of the employee to submit (or not).
For those employees who opt to submit a self nomination, employees should address factors that they believe, individually, warrants them to receive DSI.
Employee self-nominations should be submitted by the close of business,
May 31st, 2019, to the employee’s supervisor.
Best regards,
Ezra Zubrow
Chapter President