Financial Planning Retirement Workshop

VOYA Workshop: How Will you Respond to this Bear Market?

Dear Colleagues, Please see the following opportunity from VOYA: How will you respond to this Bear Market –  Tuesday November 15th  12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Chapter Office (UB Commons, Suite 108)Lunch will be provided RSVP to Molly Pecoraro at: or 716-626-3928 How are you managing Bear Market Anxiety? Are you wondering if you can still retire at […]

Advocacy Buffalo Center News Event Membership

Meeting on the Diefendorf Parking Lot Issue

Dear Colleagues, Efforts to return the Diefendorf Parking Lot to a Faculty/Staff Only Parking Lot have been ongoing since December of 2019.  Both the Buffalo Center and Buffalo Health Sciences Chapters have been pursuing changes throughout various venues during this time. A meeting has been set up to identify “next steps” and discuss additional options […]

Contingents Employment Event Financial Planning Meeting Part-time Employees Webinar

UUP Workshop: Unemployment Insurance for Contingents

Dear Colleagues, The Chapter has rescheduled the program on Unemployment Insurance for Contingents. We are excited to have fellow UUP member,  Chair of the UUP Statewide Contingent Employment Committee and Adjunct Faculty from Fredonia, Anne Fearman, present. We will be offering two virtual sessions on: Thursday, October 20th 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm &6:00 pm – 7:00 pmZoom Please RSVP your attendance […]

Advocacy Event Health and Safety News

Invitation to UUP National Mental Health Roundtable: Structural Racism, Generational Trauma, and the Implications for Mental Health

Dear Colleagues: Experts will come together on October 19th at Buffalo State College to take part in a roundtable discussion about how racism (direct and indirect) negatively impacts mental health and how to make our mental health care systems more inclusive for all. EVENT – UUP National Mental Health Roundtable: Structural Racism, Generational Trauma, and the Implications for […]

Buffalo Center News Employment Event Meeting Work Load Workshop

Reminder – UUP Workshop: Workload Overload

Dear Colleagues, Your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter is proud to announce the second workshop for the Fall 2022 semester. The Chapter will be offering a program on Workload Overload.  This virtual workshop is scheduled for: Tuesday, October 11th12:00 p.m. via Zoom Please RSVP your attendance by Friday, October 7th: We are also asking that you please submit […]

Event Meeting Membership Work Load Workshop

UUP Workshop: Workload Overload

Dear Colleagues, Your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter is proud to announce the second workshop for the Fall 2022 semester. The Chapter will be offering a program on Workload Overload.  This virtual workshop is scheduled for: Tuesday, October 11th12:00 p.m. via Zoom Please RSVP your attendance by Friday, October 7th: We are also asking that you please submit […]

Buffalo Center News Contingents Employment Event Meeting Membership News Part-time Employees Webinar Workshop

UUP Workshop: Unemployment Insurance for Contingents

Dear Colleagues, Your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter is proud to announce the first of three scheduled workshops for the Fall 2022 semester. The Chapter will be offering a program on Unemployment Insurance for Contingents. We are excited to have fellow UUP member,  Chair of the UUP Statewide Contingent Employment Committee and Adjunct Faculty from Fredonia, Anne Fearman, […]

Benefits Buffalo Center News Contract Event Meeting Membership

Reminder: General Membership Meeting

Dear Colleagues, Your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter will be hosting a General Membership Meeting utilizing the Zoom platform. This meeting is scheduled for  Thursday, September 29thNoon – 2:00 p.m.. Please RSVP your attendance to the following link, for membership verification, and to receive your meeting invitation (which will include the details on how to join the meeting). Register here: We are also […]

Contingents Education Event Membership News Statewide News Webinar

Changes to PSLF

Dear Colleagues, The Governor has signed off on a PSLF bill that will increase opportunities for loan forgiveness for adjuncts who teach 9 credits a semester and professional members who work at least 30 hours per week. The deadline of the PSLF Expansion is set to expire on October 31, 2022. UUP has added 11 clinics […]

Buffalo Center News Event Meeting Membership Webinar

General Membership Meeting Announcement

Dear Colleagues, Your UUP Buffalo Center Chapter will be hosting a General Membership Meeting utilizing the Zoom platform. This meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 29th, Noon – 2:00 p.m.. Please RSVP your attendance to the following link, for membership verification, and to receive your meeting invitation (which will include the details on how to join the meeting). Register here:  We are also […]