
Protect Your Intellectual Property if you Transition to Remote Instruction

Please see the following from UUP Statewide Vice President, Jamie Dangler: Protect your intellectual property if you transition to remote instruction Members at our campuses who produce course materials – whether documents, videos, or recordings of class meetings – own the copyright unless they are under a written “work for hire” agreement with their campus […]

Employment Health and Safety Statewide News

UUP Coronavirus Update

Please see the following message from Statewide UUP President, Fred Kowal: Dear Colleagues, Working with UUP chapter leaders, Labor Relations Specialists and our members, we have been closely monitoring the rapidly evolving situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. In over 40 years of working together, we have never experienced something quite like this. The effects of widespread […]

Employment Health and Safety Statewide News

Additional Information Regarding the SUNY Telecommuting Pilot Program

Dear Colleagues, Please see the following message from UUP Statewide President, Fred Kowal. Remember that a lot of information can be found on the UUP website – , it is being updated constantly. In Solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center ————————— Colleagues, The following was sent to all staff at System Administration and was then sent […]

Employment Statewide News

UUP – Telecommuting Policy

Colleagues, UUP has reached an historic agreement with the State of New York to allow employees to telecommute from alternate work locations. The agreement is a two-month state-wide pilot which allows UUP-represented employees to telecommute if operationally feasible. The agreement provides that, where it is operationally feasible, telecommuting requests should be granted to the greatest […]


Course Content and Webinars to Help SUNY Faculty Move Online

Dear Colleagues, We wanted to share this information from UUP Central: UUP learned yesterday that it’s not taking profiteers long to try to cash-in on COVID-19. In the rush to move coursework to ‘distance learning’ options, the SUNY Open Education Resources (OER) Services pushed the information below to campuses in an attempt to get colleges […]

Buffalo Center News

Chapter Cancellations and Closures

Colleagues, The impact of the COVID-19 on our university operations is a fluid situation. As a result, your Buffalo Center UUP would like to announce the following: Pathways to Permanent Appointment Workshop scheduled for next week Wednesday 3/18, has been CANCELLED. The next two Financial Wellness Workshop Series scheduled for Friday 3/20 (Halfway There-TIAA), and […]


COVID-19 Update: GOER Memo on Quarantine

Dear Colleagues, The following memo from GOER came in late this afternoon regarding final guidance on quarantine payment and the ability for unit members to work from home if placed on quarantine. In Solidarity, Ken Kern Chapter President UUP Buffalo Center Click here for memo

Buffalo Center News

Updated Coronavirus Information at UB

Members are encouraged to check the following UB link for regular updates on the coronavirus:  

Education Statewide News

Urgent Announcement by Gov. Cuomo – Coronavirus

Please see the following message from Statewide UUP President, Fred Kowal regarding the Coronavirus: Dear Colleagues: In our efforts to address all aspects of the coronavirus’ impacts on our members, their professional lives, and health and safety, we have been working closely with the Governor’s Office of Employee Relations and SUNY.  We have also been […]


3/18 Workshop: Path to Permanent Appointment

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