Dear Colleagues, Please see this important message from UUP Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal: As promised, we are working to provide members with as much information as possible regarding rights and protections during the Coronavirus Crisis. Attached is UUP’s latest Q&A which answers questions regarding members’ job security rights. It’s a long document, but the […]
Author: Kristen
New VOYA workshops
New VOYA Seminar!! Longevity Planning – Do you have questions about Medicare/Medicaid and how to protect your assets? VOYA is teaming up with Charles W. Beinhauer, Esq., and Laurie L. Menzies, Esq. of Pfalzgraf, Beinhaurer, & Menzies, LLP to discuss techniques to help you avoid common road-blocks in protecting your property and at the same […]
As a member of UUP, you are also a member of the American Teachers Federation (AFT). Our affiliate, AFT is holding the following webinar Friday, May 1st. Adjunct and graduate assistant employment is precarious in the best of times. As the COVID 19 health crisis continues, both academic and nonacademic jobs for AFT members are […]
Please see the following benefit update from your Statewide Secretary/Treasurer Jeri O’Bryan-Losse: Hello all,Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the deadline to submit 2019 claims for the Health Care Spending Account (HCSA) and Dependent Care Advantage Account (DCAA) has been extended to May 31, 2020. The deadline was previously extended to April 30, 2020. Employees who are enrolled […]
Dear UUP Members – We have two members only benefit announcements we would like to share.Special Enrollment for MetLife Legal Plans During uncertain times we know that now more than ever our members are concerned about their health and personal finances. We want to help our members navigate these challenging times by allowing a special enrollment […]
Earth Week Update – Friday
Dear Colleagues, On day three of #EarthDay actions, we are getting as many people registered to vote as possible! We must elect climate-friendly candidates at all levels of government. Today we challenge you to ask one person who is not already registered to vote to register today! Registering to vote is easy and can be done […]
Dear Colleagues, Please see the following information from Statewide Vice President for Academics, Jamie Dangler. This information is also for any professional staff that are teaching. In solidarity,Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center______________________________________________________________________________ Dear UUP Chapter Leaders, Please see UUP’s new Special Bulletin on faculty courses and intellectual property concerns at the link below – and […]
Colleagues, Please see this important message from Amy Myszka, Director, UB Human Resources – Benefits. In solidarity, Ken KernChapter PresidentUUP Buffalo Center——————————————————————————————————————– Greetings, We are writing to remind state UUP employees to select their holiday pay option by May 15, 2020. State employees represented by United University Professions (UUP) who are eligible to observe holidays can declare their preference for […]
Colleagues, As with the case with many of our other workshops, TIAA and I have agreed to offer the in-person workshop entitled “Within Reach” via a WebEx forum. Within Reach (TIAA)May 15, 2020, Noon – 1:00 PM So it’s time to retire, now what? Make some final preparations to help shift from an active […]
UUP Tele-Town Halls
Please see the following from UUP Statewide President, Mr. Fred Kowal. UUP Central is scheduling a series of tele-town halls, which will include a brief presentation on the overall economic perspective of where we are as a state and as a nation, as well as an overview on New York State and national public higher education […]