As UUP continues to push for a reopening of campuses that is as safe as possible for all in our campus communities, it has become clear that SUNY needs to hear from all of us. Our voices and concerns must be heard by the leaders of the system, and we must be partners to ensure that SUNY opens with the best practices for health and safety protections.
To express our concerns, UUP has developed a petition calling on SUNY to convene a virtual public hearing as soon as possible in July 2020 to discuss the need for clear, consistent, comprehensive guidance for reopening SUNY campuses.
Please add your name to the petition and join us in calling upon SUNY to provide the leadership needed to ensure that no campus communities will be at greater risk than others due to the lack of consistent, system-wide standards for reopening. We will keep this petition active until July 15 and then deliver it to SUNY.
Thank you for standing with your colleagues and adding your name to this important call to action.
In solidarity,
Ken Kern