As has been customary in the past with transparency of this part of the UUP contract, this is the list of System Administration staff who received a 2024 Discretionary Salary increase. There was no list in 2023 as the current 2022-2026 UUP contract provided $400 across the board increases for all eligible staff on UUP lines. There are two more DSI payouts left in the current contract which are distributed each December and they also will be decided by upper management although our chapter advocates for our members every year on this topic.
Author: Mike Walker
Chapter wins VOTE COPE Award
At the recent UUP Fall Delegate Assembly, the UUP System Administration Chapter was one of two chapters to win this award. Thank you to all of you who signed up or increased your contribution to VOTE Cope in 2023! There are still plenty who don’t and it is so important now especially as we get to election to even contribute even just one dollar per paycheck. Let’s win it again for 2024! Please go to

Compensation timeline
Contribute to VOTE COPE
As a UUP Member, none of your union dues go to political action. To keep and make UUP stronger, please consider contributing to help UUP advocate and work with political leaders that will help SUNY and our campuses.
It is easy and can be done through payroll deduction. Go to to learn more and fill out a payroll deduction form. Even one dollar a paycheck will make a difference if the majority of System Administration members contributed.
UUP Environmental Issues and Advocacy
Please see attached document to learn more about two pieces of legislation that will help push SUNY and NYS to address climate change and other sustainability issues and how you can help show your support.